Signed API (Release 3)


This section describes RANDOM.ORG's Signed API, which together with the Basic API constitutes the Core API. The Signed API is intended for applications that need to support non-repudiation, and its methods produce digitally signed series of true random values, generated specifically for your client. The digital signatures mean that the values can be proved to originate from RANDOM.ORG.

In the Signed API, a signature is a SHA-512 digest of the JSON representation of a random object, which has been signed with RANDOM.ORG's private key. Given a random object and its signature, anyone can verify the signature against RANDOM.ORG's public key to confirm that the numbers are authentic. To do this, the client should JSON-encode the random object, then compute the SHA-512 digest and verify the signature against it. While a client is free to use its own signature verification algorithm, it can also use the verifySignature method described here.

The Signed API also stores the values generated with the methods for a minimum of one year. This allows you to retrieve values that were generated but may not have been delivered to your client due to network failures, etc. The getResult method is used for this purpose.


The URL for invoking the Signed API is:

Changes from Release 2

  • The following new methods were added:
    • createTickets
    • listTickets
    • getTicket
  • A new optional parameter ticketId was added to the following methods:
    • generateSignedIntegers
    • generateSignedIntegerSequences
    • generateSignedDecimalFractions
    • generateSignedGaussians
    • generateSignedStrings
    • generateSignedUUIDs
    • generateSignedBlobs
  • An additional property ticketData was added to random objects returned by the following methods:
    • generateSignedIntegers
    • generateSignedIntegerSequences
    • generateSignedDecimalFractions
    • generateSignedGaussians
    • generateSignedStrings
    • generateSignedUUIDs
    • generateSignedBlobs

generateSignedIntegers (method)

This method generates true random integers within a user-defined range. Your client must set the method property of its JSON-RPC request object to generateSignedIntegers. The request must also contain an id member, which will be returned in the response.

Required Parameters

The following parameters are mandatory and should be specified in the params array of the JSON-RPC request:

Your API key, which is used to track the true random bit usage for your client.
How many random integers you need. Must be within the [1, 10000] range.
The lower boundary for the range from which the random numbers will be picked. Must be within the [-1000000000, 1000000000] range.
The upper boundary for the range from which the random numbers will be picked. Must be within the [-1000000000, 1000000000] range.

Optional Parameters

The following parameters are optional and can be included in the params object of your JSON-RPC request if you want functionality that is different from the default:

replacement (default value true)
Specifies whether the random numbers should be picked with replacement. The default (true) will cause the numbers to be picked with replacement, i.e., the resulting numbers may contain duplicate values (like a series of dice rolls). If you want the numbers picked to be unique (like raffle tickets drawn from a container), set this value to false.
base (default value 10)
Specifies the base that will be used to display the numbers. Values allowed are 2, 8, 10 and 16. This affects the JSON types of the data property included in the response, as discussed below.
userData (default value null)
Contains an optional object that will be included in unmodified form in the signed response along with the random data. If an object is present, its maximum size in encoded (string) form is 1,000 characters.
ticketId (default value null)
Contains a string with ticket identifier obtained via the createTickets method. Specifying a value for ticketId will cause RANDOM.ORG to record that the ticket was used to generate the requested random values. Each ticket can only be used once.

Successful Response

If the numbers were generated successfully, RANDOM.ORG returns a JSON-RPC response with the result property containing an object with the following named values:

This object encapsulates the random values and associated data. It is encapsulated in a separate object so it can be signed easily. The random object contains the following properties.
This value is copied from the request. The reason it is included in the response is to allow it to be signed by RANDOM.ORG.
A string containing a base64-encoded SHA-512 hash of the API key. This allows the client to disclose the full contents of the random object to a third party and allow that third party to associate the response with a given apiKey, without requiring the client to disclose the actual apiKey.
n, min, max, replacement, base
These values are copied from the request's params object. Values that are optional and did not appear in the request will appear in the response with the default values. The reason these are included in the response is to allow them to be signed by RANDOM.ORG.
An array containing the sequence of numbers requested by the client. If the request specified base 10 (or did not specify a base and therefore defaults to 10), the elements in the array will be integers. Because JSON (according to RFC4627) only allows numbers to be written as decimal, the numbers will be typed as strings if a different base than 10 was specified in the request. Numbers in any base other than 10 will be padded with leading zeros up to the width required to display the chosen range.
An object describing the license terms under which the random values given in the data can be used. The API key owner selects a license for each API key created, which affects this field in the responses generated for this API key. For example, an API key could be licensed for non-profit use only, or for commercial gambling up to a certain prize value per month.
This value is copied from the request's userData object. If the request did not contain a value for userData, it will be included in the response with the value null.
If a non-null value for ticketId was specified in the request, then ticketData contains an object with the following properties: ticketId, previousTicketId and nextTicketId. The value in ticketData.ticketId will contain a copy of ticketId from the request. The value of ticketData.previousTicketId will contain the identifier of the ticket preceding ticketId in the chain and will be null if ticketId was the first ticket in its chain. The value in ticketData.nextTicketId will contain the identifier of the newly created ticket in the chain, which will be unused at the time when the call returns, and which can be used in future calls to the Signed API. If the caller did not specify a value for ticketId (or specified null) in the request, then the value of ticketData will be null.
A string containing the timestamp in ISO 8601 format at which the request was completed.
An integer containing the serial number associated with this response. Serial numbers are allocated sequentially by RANDOM.ORG and are unique within a given apiKey (and, consequently, within the corresponding hashedApiKey).
A string containing a base64-encoded signature of the random object, signed with RANDOM.ORG's private key.
An integer containing the number of true random bits used to complete this request.
An integer containing the (estimated) number of remaining true random bits available to the client.
An integer containing the (estimated) number of remaining API requests available to the client.
An integer containing the recommended number of milliseconds that the client should delay before issuing another request.

For a successful response, the error property is absent.

A client that stores the results to show non-repudiation or implements code to satisfy other auditing requirements should store the random and signature properties, such that they can be shared publically or with auditors.

Error Response

If an error occurred, RANDOM.ORG returns a JSON-RPC response in which the result property is absent and the error property contains an error object as described in Error Codes and Messages.

Example 1

The following requests three numbers in the [1,6] range. The replacement parameter is set to true, which means the numbers will be picked with replacement, i.e., can contain duplicate values. This makes them suitable for use as dice rolls.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "generateSignedIntegers",
    "params": {
        "apiKey": "3fcffb4b-62ca-4a5b-b25e-05e27d909182",
        "n": 3,
        "min": 1,
        "max": 6,
        "replacement": true
    "id": 26821

The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "random": {
            "method": "generateSignedIntegers",
            "hashedApiKey": "ncGk4bCmDT7GSc64MzGzNvRUoDT++pTPjntmtuu075JFqKbz/G4nKerq0JQoldvtQxYOCePxMN5gcYZSOC2DTg==",
            "n": 3,
            "min": 1,
            "max": 6,
            "replacement": true,
            "base": 10,
            "data": [
                2, 5, 4
            "license": {
                "type": "developer",
                "text": "Random values licensed strictly for development and testing only",
                "infoUrl": null
            "userData": null,
            "ticketData": null,
            "completionTime": "2021-03-25 14:29:38Z",
            "serialNumber": 6241
        "signature": "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",
        "bitsUsed": 8,
        "bitsLeft": 249796,
        "requestsLeft": 996,
        "advisoryDelay": 2760
    "id": 26821

The method shows which part of the RANDOM.ORG API was used to generate the true random numbers. The hashedApiKey allows the client to share the full contents of the random and signature objects with third parties without disclosing its apiKey. The n, min, max and replacement parameters from the request are included too. The base and userData properties have been added, even though they did not appear in the request. The data array within the result contains the true random numbers produced, and the license describes how the numbers can be used. The ticketData property has been added with its default value of null because ticketId did not appear in the request. The completionTime specifies UTC time zone (‘Zulu time’) by the letter ‘Z’ after the clock time. The serialNumber indicates that this is the 6241st request to have been completed with the apiKey in question.

The result contains a signature of the entire random object, which allows the authenticity of the random object to be verified. Through the other fields in the result, RANDOM.ORG also advises how many true random bits were used to satisfy the request and how many bits and requests are left in the client's quota. The service advises the client when it can issue the next request, after a short delay.

Example 2

The following requests 52 numbers in the [1,52] range. The replacement parameter is set to false, meaning the numbers will be picked without replacement, i.e., duplicates will not occur. This makes them suitable to shuffle a deck of cards. The client also includes an object in the userData property. The service does not perform any operations on this object, but simply includes it along with the signed random data that is returned to the client in the response.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "generateSignedIntegers",
    "params": {
        "apiKey": "3fcffb4b-62ca-4a5b-b25e-05e27d909182",
        "n": 52,
        "min": 1,
        "max": 52,
        "replacement": false,
        "base": 10,
        "userData": {
            "myHashType": "md5",
            "myHashValue": "c4ec4ba28cbe8390c2f846bf589e538a"
    "id": 26821

The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "random": {
            "method": "generateSignedIntegers",
            "hashedApiKey": "ncGk4bCmDT7GSc64MzGzNvRUoDT++pTPjntmtuu075JFqKbz/G4nKerq0JQoldvtQxYOCePxMN5gcYZSOC2DTg==",
            "n": 52,
            "min": 1,
            "max": 52,
            "replacement": false,
            "base": 10,
            "data": [
                32, 18, 49, 22, 5, 41, 26, 10, 24, 40, 46, 1, 20, 6, 37, 30, 2, 42, 31, 38, 47, 25, 11, 19, 7, 16, 48, 3, 14, 15, 9, 51, 39, 23, 21, 12, 27, 4, 33, 17, 44, 45, 8, 35, 36, 34, 52, 29, 50, 43, 13, 28
            "license": {
                "type": "developer",
                "text": "Random values licensed strictly for development and testing only",
                "infoUrl": null
            "userData": {
                "myHashType": "md5",
                "myHashValue": "c4ec4ba28cbe8390c2f846bf589e538a"
            "ticketData": null,
            "completionTime": "2021-03-25 14:31:55Z",
            "serialNumber": 6242
        "signature": "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",
        "bitsUsed": 296,
        "bitsLeft": 249500,
        "requestsLeft": 995,
        "advisoryDelay": 2840
    "id": 26821

The method, n, min, max, replacement and base parameters are the same that appeared in the request. The hashedApiKey allows the client to share the full contents of the random and signature objects with third parties without disclosing its apiKey. The random object contains the true random numbers (in the data array) produced. The service advises exactly when the request was completed, and that the values are licensed for testing and development only. The object that the client passed in the userData parameter is included unchanged in the response, and the ticketData property has been added with its default value of null because ticketId did not appear in the request. The serial number indicates that this is the 6242nd request to be completed with this API key.

The result contains a signature of the entire random object, which allows the authenticity of the random object to be verified. The remaining fields in the result indicate how many true random bits were used to satisfy the request as well as how many bits and requests are left in the client's quota. The service advises the client when it can issue the next request, after a short delay.

Example 3

The following requests a single value in the [0,36] range, for example to decide a spin in European roulette. The client specifies a value of false for the replacement parameter, but this has no effect since we're only generating a single number. The optional base parameter is used to indicate that the client wishes the numbers to be returned in decimal form.

The client specifies that it wishes to use a ticket (see the documentation for createTickets) that was created previously. In this example, we specify a ticket that was created with showResult set to false. This means the random values returned in response to the request will not be included in later responses by getTicket.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "generateSignedIntegers",
    "params": {
        "apiKey": "3fcffb4b-62ca-4a5b-b25e-05e27d909182",
        "n": 1,
        "min": 0,
        "max": 36,
        "replacement": true,
        "base": 10,
        "userData": null,
        "ticketId": "b09671d3a527cb5d"
    "id": 26821

The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "random": {
            "method": "generateSignedIntegers",
            "hashedApiKey": "ncGk4bCmDT7GSc64MzGzNvRUoDT++pTPjntmtuu075JFqKbz/G4nKerq0JQoldvtQxYOCePxMN5gcYZSOC2DTg==",
            "n": 1,
            "min": 0,
            "max": 36,
            "replacement": true,
            "base": 10,
            "data": [
            "license": {
                "type": "developer",
                "text": "Random values licensed strictly for development and testing only",
                "infoUrl": null
            "userData": null,
            "ticketData": {
                "ticketId": "b09671d3a527cb5d",
                "previousTicketId": null,
                "nextTicketId": "adfdf17ec2f9e9a8"
            "completionTime": "2021-03-25 14:41:40Z",
            "serialNumber": 6243
        "signature": "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",
        "bitsUsed": 5,
        "bitsLeft": 249495,
        "requestsLeft": 994,
        "advisoryDelay": 3240
    "id": 26821

The method, n, min, max, replacement, base and userData properties are the same that appeared in the request. The hashedApiKey allows the client to share the full contents of the random and signature objects with third parties without disclosing its apiKey. The data array contains the single random number that will represent the client's roulette spin. The license shows that the values are licensed for development and testing only. The completionTime specifies UTC time zone (‘Zulu time’) by the letter ‘Z’ after the clock time. The service advises that this is the 6243rd request to be completed with this API key.

The ticketData object contains the ticketId from the client's request. The request has now used this ticket identifier and it will not be possible to use it again in future calls to the API. The ticketData object contains two other properties. The value of previousTicketId is null meaning that the ticket that was used for the request is the first in a chain. The value of nextTicketId contains a newly created ticket, which the client can use for their next request.

The result contains a signature of the entire random object, which allows the authenticity of the random object to be verified. The remaining fields in the result indicate how many true random bits were used to satisfy the request as well as how many bits and requests are left in the client's quota. The service advises the client when it can issue the next request, after a short delay.

Example 4

Like Example 3 above, The following requests a single value in the [0,36] range, for example to decide a spin in European roulette. The client specifies a value of false for the replacement parameter, but this has no effect since we're only generating a single number. The optional base parameter is used to indicate that the client wishes the numbers to be returned in decimal form.

The client specifies that it wishes to use a ticket (see the documentation for createTickets) that was created previously. However, this time, we specify a ticket that was created with showResult set to true. This will allow the random values returned in response to the request to also be displayed by getTicket later.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "generateSignedIntegers",
    "params": {
        "apiKey": "3fcffb4b-62ca-4a5b-b25e-05e27d909182",
        "n": 1,
        "min": 0,
        "max": 36,
        "replacement": true,
        "base": 10,
        "userData": null,
        "ticketId": "57bc9dead64863bf"
    "id": 26821

The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "random": {
            "method": "generateSignedIntegers",
            "hashedApiKey": "ncGk4bCmDT7GSc64MzGzNvRUoDT++pTPjntmtuu075JFqKbz/G4nKerq0JQoldvtQxYOCePxMN5gcYZSOC2DTg==",
            "n": 1,
            "min": 0,
            "max": 36,
            "replacement": true,
            "base": 10,
            "data": [
            "license": {
                "type": "developer",
                "text": "Random values licensed strictly for development and testing only",
                "infoUrl": null
            "userData": null,
            "ticketData": {
                "ticketId": "57bc9dead64863bf",
                "previousTicketId": null,
                "nextTicketId": "7b106f57d9f60c8a"
            "completionTime": "2021-03-25 14:45:13Z",
            "serialNumber": 6244
        "signature": "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",
        "bitsUsed": 5,
        "bitsLeft": 249490,
        "requestsLeft": 993,
        "advisoryDelay": 2720
    "id": 26821

The response is very similar to that discussed under Example 3 above. However, we will see the difference under the documentation for getTicket where we will retrieve the two tickets.

Example 5

In this example, we will issue a request that uses the same ticket as was used in Example 3 above. This is to show that tickets can be used only once.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "generateSignedIntegers",
    "params": {
        "apiKey": "3fcffb4b-62ca-4a5b-b25e-05e27d909182",
        "n": 1,
        "min": 0,
        "max": 36,
        "replacement": true,
        "base": 10,
        "userData": null,
        "ticketId": "b09671d3a527cb5d"
    "id": 26821

The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "error": {
        "code": 422,
        "message": "The ticket you specified has already been used",
        "data": null
    "id": 26821

Example 6

In this example, we will issue a request that uses a non-existent ticket.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "generateSignedIntegers",
    "params": {
        "apiKey": "3fcffb4b-62ca-4a5b-b25e-05e27d909182",
        "n": 1,
        "min": 0,
        "max": 36,
        "replacement": true,
        "base": 10,
        "userData": null,
        "ticketId": "7777777777777777"
    "id": 26821

The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "error": {
        "code": 420,
        "message": "The ticket you specified does not exist",
        "data": null
    "id": 26821

generateSignedIntegerSequences (method)

This method generates uniform or multiform sequences of true random integers within user-defined ranges. Uniform sequences all have the same general form (length, range, replacement and base) whereas these characteristics can vary for multiform sequences. Your client must set the method property of its JSON-RPC request object to generateSignedIntegerSequences. The request must also contain an id member, which will be returned in the response.

Required Parameters

The following parameters are mandatory and should be specified in the params array of the JSON-RPC request:

Your API key, which is used to track the true random bit usage for your client.
An integer specifying the number of sequences requested. Must be within the [1, 1000] range.
This parameter specifies the lengths of the sequences requested. For uniform sequences, length must be an integer in the [1, 10000] range. For multiform sequences, length can be an array with n integers, each specifying the length of the sequence identified by its index. In this case, each value in length must be within the [1, 10000] range and the total sum of all the lengths must be in the [1, 10000] range.
This parameter specifies the lower boundaries of the sequences requested. For uniform sequences, min must be an integer in the [-1000000000, 1000000000] range. For multiform sequences, min can be an array with n integers, each specifying the lower boundary of the sequence identified by its index. In this case, each value in min must be within the [-1000000000, 1000000000] range.
This parameter specifies the upper boundaries of the sequences requested. For uniform sequences, max must be an integer in the [-1000000000, 1000000000] range. For multiform sequences, max can be an array with n integers, each specifying the upper boundary of the sequence identified by its index. In this case, each value in max must be within the [-1000000000, 1000000000] range.

Optional Parameters

The following parameters are optional and can be included in the params object of your JSON-RPC request if you want functionality that is different from the default:

replacement (default value true)
This parameter specifies whether the requested sequences should be picked with replacement. When numbers in a sequence are picked with replacement, the sequence may contain duplicate values (like a series of dice rolls). When picked without replacement, the numbers in the sequence will be unique (like raffle tickets drawn from a container). For uniform sequences, replacement must be a Boolean value where true indicates the sequences will be picked with replacement and false indicates that they will not. For multiform sequences, replacement can be an array with n Boolean values, each specifying whether the sequence identified by its index will be created with (true) or without (false) replacement.
base (default value 10)
This parameter specifies the base that will be used to display the numbers in the sequences. For uniform sequences, base must be an integer with with one of the values 2, 8, 10 or 16. For multiform sequences, base can be an array with n integer values taken from the same set, each specifying the base that will be used to display the sequence identified by its index. Use of the base parameter affects the JSON types and formatting of the resulting data as discussed in the documentation for the generateSignedIntegers method.
userData (default value null)
Contains an optional object that will be included in unmodified form in the signed response along with the random data. If an object is present, its maximum size in encoded (string) form is 1,000 characters.
ticketId (default value null)
Contains a string with ticket identifier obtained via the createTickets method. Specifying a value for ticketId will cause RANDOM.ORG to record that the ticket was used to generate the requested random values. Each ticket can only be used once.

Successful Response

If the numbers were generated successfully, RANDOM.ORG returns a JSON-RPC response with the result property containing an object with the following named values:

This object encapsulates the random values and associated data. It is encapsulated in a separate object so it can be signed easily. The random object contains the following properties.
This value is copied from the request. The reason it is included in the response is to allow it to be signed by RANDOM.ORG.
A string containing a base64-encoded SHA-512 hash of the API key. This allows the client to disclose the full contents of the random object to a third party and allow that third party to associate the response with a given apiKey, without requiring the client to disclose the actual apiKey.
n, length, min, max, replacement, base
These values are copied from the request's params object. Values that are optional and did not appear in the request will appear in the response with the default values. The reason these are included in the response is to allow them to be signed by RANDOM.ORG.
An array containing the integer sequences requested. Each sequence will be in the form of an array.
An object describing the license terms under which the random values given in the data can be used. The API key owner selects a license for each API key created, which affects this field in the responses generated for this API key. For example, an API key could be licensed for non-profit use only, or for commercial gambling up to a certain prize value per month.
This value is copied from the request's userData object. If the request did not contain a value for userData, it will be included in the response with the value null.
If a non-null value for ticketId was specified in the request, then ticketData contains an object with the following properties: ticketId, previousTicketId and nextTicketId. The value in ticketData.ticketId will contain a copy of ticketId from the request. The value of ticketData.previousTicketId will contain the identifier of the ticket preceding ticketId in the chain and will be null if ticketId was the first ticket in its chain. The value in ticketData.nextTicketId will contain the identifier of the newly created ticket in the chain, which will be unused at the time when the call returns, and which can be used in future calls to the Signed API. If the caller did not specify a value for ticketId (or specified null) in the request, then the value of ticketData will be null.
A string containing the timestamp in ISO 8601 format at which the request was completed.
An integer containing the serial number associated with this response. Serial numbers are allocated sequentially by RANDOM.ORG and are unique within a given apiKey (and, consequently, within the corresponding hashedApiKey).
A string containing a base64-encoded signature of the random object, signed with RANDOM.ORG's private key.
An integer containing the number of true random bits used to complete this request.
An integer containing the (estimated) number of remaining true random bits available to the client.
An integer containing the (estimated) number of remaining API requests available to the client.
An integer containing the recommended number of milliseconds that the client should delay before issuing another request.

For a successful response, the error property is absent.

A client that stores the results to show non-repudiation or implements code to satisfy other auditing requirements should store the random and signature properties, such that they can be shared publically or with auditors.

Error Response

If an error occurred, RANDOM.ORG returns a JSON-RPC response in which the result property is absent and the error property contains an error object as described in Error Codes and Messages.

Example 1

The following requests six numbers, five from the [1,69] range and one from [1,26]. While the two sequences are multiform (they have different lengths and ranges), the request only uses the array format for the parameters where the values are different. The replacement parameter is set to the simple Boolean value false (rather than an array of Boolean values), which means both sequences be picked without replacement, i.e., will not contain duplicate values. This makes them suitable for use as winning lottery numbers, for example for a US Powerball type lottery.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "generateSignedIntegerSequences",
    "params": {
        "apiKey": "3fcffb4b-62ca-4a5b-b25e-05e27d909182",
        "n": 2,
        "length": [ 5, 1 ],
        "min": 1,
        "max": [ 69, 26 ],
        "replacement": false,
        "base": 10,
        "userData": null,
        "ticketId": null
    "id": 15443

The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "random": {
            "method": "generateSignedIntegerSequences",
            "hashedApiKey": "ncGk4bCmDT7GSc64MzGzNvRUoDT++pTPjntmtuu075JFqKbz/G4nKerq0JQoldvtQxYOCePxMN5gcYZSOC2DTg==",
            "n": 2,
            "length": [ 5, 1 ],
            "min": 1,
            "max": [ 69, 26 ],
            "replacement": false,
            "base": 10,
            "data": [
                [ 69, 49, 39, 43, 20 ],
                [ 10 ]
            "license": {
                "type": "developer",
                "text": "Random values licensed strictly for development and testing only",
                "infoUrl": null
            "userData": null,
            "ticketData": null,
            "completionTime": "2021-03-18 14:02:47Z",
            "serialNumber": 6200
        "signature": "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",
        "bitsUsed": 36,
        "bitsLeft": 248369,
        "requestsLeft": 995,
        "advisoryDelay": 2790
    "id": 15443

The method, n, length, min, max, replacement, base and userData parameters are the same that appeared in the request. The ticketData property contains its default value of null, as the request's ticketId parameter was also set to null. The hashedApiKey allows the client to share the full contents of the random and signature objects with third parties without disclosing its apiKey. The random object contains the true random numbers (in the data array) produced. The service advises exactly when the request was completed, and that the values are licensed for development and testing only. The serial number indicates that this is the 6200th request to be completed with this API key.

The result contains a signature of the entire random object, which allows the authenticity of the random object to be verified. The remaining fields in the result indicate how many true random bits were used to satisfy the request as well as how many bits and requests are left in the client's quota. The service advises the client when it can issue the next request, after a short delay.

Example 2

This example is similar to Example 1, but this time we're specifying a value in the userData string.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "generateSignedIntegerSequences",
    "params": {
        "apiKey": "3fcffb4b-62ca-4a5b-b25e-05e27d909182",
        "n": 2,
        "length": [ 5, 1 ],
        "min": 1,
        "max": [ 69, 26 ],
        "replacement": false,
        "base": 10,
        "userData": "Winning numbers for Week 41.",
        "ticketId": null
    "id": 15443

The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "random": {
            "method": "generateSignedIntegerSequences",
            "hashedApiKey": "ncGk4bCmDT7GSc64MzGzNvRUoDT++pTPjntmtuu075JFqKbz/G4nKerq0JQoldvtQxYOCePxMN5gcYZSOC2DTg==",
            "n": 2,
            "length": [ 5, 1 ],
            "min": 1,
            "max": [ 69, 26 ],
            "replacement": false,
            "base": 10,
            "data": [
                [ 44, 42, 68, 8, 60 ],
                [ 6 ]
            "license": {
                "type": "developer",
                "text": "Random values licensed strictly for development and testing only",
                "infoUrl": null
            "userData": "Winning numbers for Week 41.",
            "ticketData": null,
            "completionTime": "2021-03-18 14:12:30Z",
            "serialNumber": 6201
        "signature": "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",
        "bitsUsed": 36,
        "bitsLeft": 248333,
        "requestsLeft": 994,
        "advisoryDelay": 3190
    "id": 15443

The result is very similar to that in Example 1, except that the userData property contains a non-null value, as defined in the request's userData parameter.

Example 3

The following requests one random number from the [1,8] range and three from the [1,6]. Both sequences are generated with replacement. The numbers could be used as a 1d8+3d6 dice roll. In some fields (min and replacement), the caller gives an array of identical values and in another (base) a single value that will apply for all sequences. The two approaches are equivalent, and both are allowed by the API.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "generateSignedIntegerSequences",
    "params": {
        "apiKey": "3fcffb4b-62ca-4a5b-b25e-05e27d909182",
        "n": 2,
        "length": [ 1, 3 ],
        "min": [ 1, 1 ],
        "max": [ 8, 6 ],
        "replacement": [ true, true ],
        "base": 10,
        "userData": null
    "id": 26821

The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "random": {
            "method": "generateSignedIntegerSequences",
            "hashedApiKey": "ncGk4bCmDT7GSc64MzGzNvRUoDT++pTPjntmtuu075JFqKbz/G4nKerq0JQoldvtQxYOCePxMN5gcYZSOC2DTg==",
            "n": 2,
            "length": [ 1, 3 ],
            "min": [ 1, 1 ],
            "max": [ 8, 6 ],
            "replacement": [ true, true ],
            "base": 10,
            "data": [
                [ 5 ],
                [ 1, 4, 1 ]
            "license": {
                "type": "developer",
                "text": "Random values licensed strictly for development and testing only",
                "infoUrl": null
            "userData": null,
            "ticketData": null,
            "completionTime": "2021-03-25 15:01:06Z",
            "serialNumber": 6245
        "signature": "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",
        "bitsUsed": 11,
        "bitsLeft": 249479,
        "requestsLeft": 992,
        "advisoryDelay": 2750
    "id": 26821

The method, n, length, min, max, replacement, base and userData parameters are the same that appeared in the request. The hashedApiKey allows the client to share the full contents of the random and signature objects with third parties without disclosing its apiKey. The random object contains the true random numbers (in the data array) produced. The service advises exactly when the request was completed, and that the values are licensed for development and testing purposes. The ticketData object is null, as the ticketId parameter did not appear in the request. The serial number indicates that this is the 6245th request to be completed with this API key.

The result contains a signature of the entire random object, which allows the authenticity of the random object to be verified. The remaining fields in the result indicate how many true random bits were used to satisfy the request as well as how many bits and requests are left in the client's quota. The service advises when the client can issue the next request, after a short delay.

Example 4

The following requests three uniform randomizations of the [1,52] range. The replacement parameter is set to false, meaning the numbers will be picked without replacement, i.e., duplicates will not occur. This makes them suitable to shuffle decks of cards.

We're also specifying a ticketId, which is the ticket identifier returned by our Example 3 under the generateSignedIntegers method. This ticket is the second in its chain.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "generateSignedIntegerSequences",
    "params": {
        "apiKey": "3fcffb4b-62ca-4a5b-b25e-05e27d909182",
        "n": 3,
        "length": 52,
        "min": 1,
        "max": 52,
        "replacement": false,
        "base": 10,
        "userData": null,
        "ticketId": "adfdf17ec2f9e9a8"
    "id": 26821

The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "random": {
            "method": "generateSignedIntegerSequences",
            "hashedApiKey": "ncGk4bCmDT7GSc64MzGzNvRUoDT++pTPjntmtuu075JFqKbz/G4nKerq0JQoldvtQxYOCePxMN5gcYZSOC2DTg==",
            "n": 3,
            "length": 52,
            "min": 1,
            "max": 52,
            "replacement": false,
            "base": 10,
            "data": [
                [ 35, 8, 44, 1, 26, 21, 3, 46, 12, 18, 19, 41, 7, 2, 29, 34, 22, 25, 28, 27, 39, 51, 42, 13, 24, 20, 23, 47, 11, 37, 50, 6, 17, 15, 4, 49, 9, 38, 14, 16, 40, 5, 36, 45, 30, 48, 52, 43, 10, 32, 31, 33 ],
                [ 21, 16, 45, 31, 25, 5, 34, 37, 9, 28, 29, 8, 32, 46, 18, 35, 47, 17, 1, 6, 50, 43, 10, 24, 42, 48, 33, 14, 39, 20, 22, 51, 15, 36, 2, 7, 12, 13, 49, 30, 11, 4, 44, 3, 41, 23, 27, 52, 38, 19, 26, 40 ],
                [ 4, 13, 44, 17, 47, 10, 41, 3, 7, 6, 18, 37, 26, 52, 9, 35, 21, 1, 14, 24, 30, 28, 12, 23, 43, 8, 31, 20, 39, 48, 29, 46, 22, 51, 25, 42, 5, 38, 33, 16, 34, 19, 11, 45, 32, 2, 15, 27, 50, 40, 49, 36 ]
            "license": {
                "type": "developer",
                "text": "Random values licensed strictly for development and testing only",
                "infoUrl": null
            "userData": null,
            "ticketData": {
                "ticketId": "adfdf17ec2f9e9a8",
                "previousTicketId": "b09671d3a527cb5d",
                "nextTicketId": "d8000eb301b48279"
            "completionTime": "2021-03-25 15:06:34Z",
            "serialNumber": 6246
        "signature": "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",
        "bitsUsed": 888,
        "bitsLeft": 248591,
        "requestsLeft": 991,
        "advisoryDelay": 2330
    "id": 26821

The method, n, length, min, max, replacement, base and userData properties are the same that appeared in the request. The hashedApiKey allows the client to share the full contents of the random and signature objects with third parties without disclosing its apiKey. The random object contains the true random numbers (in the data array) produced. The license shows that the values are licensed for development and testing only. The completionTime specifies UTC time zone (‘Zulu time’) by the letter ‘Z’ after the clock time. The service advises that this is the 6246th request to be completed with this API key.

The ticketData object contains the ticketId from the client's request. The request has now used this ticket identifier and it will not be possible to use it again in future calls to the API. The ticketData object contains two other properties. The value of previousTicketId contains the ticket which was used in Example 3 of the generateSignedIntegers method. The value of nextTicketId contains a newly created ticket, which the client can use for their next request.

The result contains a signature of the entire random object, which allows the authenticity of the random object to be verified. The remaining fields in the result indicate how many true random bits were used to satisfy the request as well as how many bits and requests are left in the client's quota. The service advises the client when it can issue the next request, after a short delay.

Example 5

This example is very similar to Example 4 above, but this time, we specify a ticket that was created with showResult set to true. This will allow the random values returned in response to the request also be displayed by getTicket later. The ticket was returned in Example 4 in the description of the generateSignedIntegers method.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "generateSignedIntegerSequences",
    "params": {
        "apiKey": "3fcffb4b-62ca-4a5b-b25e-05e27d909182",
        "n": 3,
        "length": 52,
        "min": 1,
        "max": 52,
        "replacement": false,
        "base": 10,
        "userData": null,
        "ticketId": "7b106f57d9f60c8a"
    "id": 26821

The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "random": {
            "method": "generateSignedIntegerSequences",
            "hashedApiKey": "ncGk4bCmDT7GSc64MzGzNvRUoDT++pTPjntmtuu075JFqKbz/G4nKerq0JQoldvtQxYOCePxMN5gcYZSOC2DTg==",
            "n": 3,
            "length": 52,
            "min": 1,
            "max": 52,
            "replacement": false,
            "base": 10,
            "data": [
                [ 6, 10, 40, 38, 5, 43, 4, 24, 18, 8, 29, 33, 42, 22, 32, 51, 7, 35, 44, 26, 1, 31, 15, 9, 3, 12, 39, 48, 14, 2, 46, 25, 13, 30, 21, 50, 52, 34, 45, 16, 20, 27, 28, 47, 37, 49, 36, 23, 11, 17, 41, 19 ],
                [ 44, 3, 32, 39, 5, 45, 1, 16, 9, 17, 25, 41, 22, 37, 51, 35, 50, 29, 26, 31, 28, 7, 2, 27, 40, 24, 19, 20, 43, 18, 6, 52, 4, 8, 49, 33, 36, 10, 48, 38, 23, 14, 11, 13, 34, 30, 47, 12, 42, 46, 15, 21 ],
                [ 25, 46, 13, 15, 4,35, 6, 45, 8, 41, 7, 37, 3, 18, 30, 42, 43, 38, 10, 52, 32, 39, 5, 14, 40, 27, 48, 23, 19, 12, 49, 31, 47, 44, 28, 9, 51, 2, 16, 33, 24, 17, 22, 20, 21, 11, 34, 1, 26, 36, 29, 50  ]
            "license": {
                "type": "developer",
                "text": "Random values licensed strictly for development and testing only",
                "infoUrl": null
            "userData": null,
            "ticketData": {
                "ticketId": "7b106f57d9f60c8a",
                "previousTicketId": "57bc9dead64863bf",
                "nextTicketId": "dc4f0095a24633f1"
            "completionTime": "2021-03-25 15:14:42Z",
            "serialNumber": 6247
        "signature": "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",
        "bitsUsed": 888,
        "bitsLeft": 247703,
        "requestsLeft": 990,
        "advisoryDelay": 2560
    "id": 26821

The response is very similar to that discussed under Example 4 above. The difference is visible when the getTicket method is used to retrieve the two tickets. For this ticket, i.e. the ticket with showResult set to true, all of the information including the values generated will be returned when the getTicket method is used.

generateSignedDecimalFractions (method)

This method generates true random decimal fractions from a uniform distribution across the [0,1) interval with a user-defined number of decimal places. Your client must set the method property of its JSON-RPC request object to generateSignedDecimalFractions. The request must also contain an id member, which will be returned in the response.

Required Parameters

The following parameters are mandatory and should be specified in the params array of the JSON-RPC request:

Your API key, which is used to track the true random bit usage for your client.
How many random decimal fractions you need. Must be within the [1, 10000] range.
The number of decimal places to use. Must be within the [1, 14] range.

Optional Parameters

The following parameters are optional and can be included in the params object of your JSON-RPC request if you want functionality that is different from the default:

replacement (default value true)
Specifies whether the random numbers should be picked with replacement. The default (true) will cause the numbers to be picked with replacement, i.e., the resulting numbers may contain duplicate values (like a series of dice rolls). If you want the numbers picked to be unique (like raffle tickets drawn from a container), set this value to false.
userData (default value null)
Contains an optional object that will be included in unmodified form in the signed response along with the random data. If an object is present, its maximum size in encoded (string) form is 1,000 characters.
ticketId (default value null)
Contains a string with ticket identifier obtained via the createTickets method. Specifying a value for ticketId will cause RANDOM.ORG to record that the ticket was used to generate the requested random values. Each ticket can only be used once.

Successful Response

If the numbers were generated successfully, RANDOM.ORG returns a JSON-RPC response with the result property containing an object with the following named values:

This object encapsulates the random values and associated data. It is encapsulated in a separate object so it can be signed easily. The random object contains the following properties.
This value is copied from the request. The reason it is included in the response is to allow it to be signed by RANDOM.ORG.
A string containing a base64-encoded SHA-512 hash of the API key. This allows the client to disclose the full contents of the random object to a third party and allow that third party to associate the response with a given apiKey, without requiring the client to disclose the actual apiKey.
n, decimalPlaces, replacement
These values are copied from the request's params object. Values that are optional and did not appear in the request will appear in the response with the default values. The reason these are included in the response is to allow them to be signed by RANDOM.ORG.
An array containing the sequence of numbers requested.
An object describing the license terms under which the random values given in the data can be used. The API key owner selects a license for each API key created, which affects this field in the responses generated for this API key. For example, an API key could be licensed for non-profit use only, or for commercial gambling up to a certain prize value per month.
This value is copied from the request's userData object. If the request did not contain a value for userData, it will be included in the response with the value null.
If a non-null value for ticketId was specified in the request, then ticketData contains an object with the following properties: ticketId, previousTicketId and nextTicketId. The value in ticketData.ticketId will contain a copy of ticketId from the request. The value of ticketData.previousTicketId will contain the identifier of the ticket preceding ticketId in the chain and will be null if ticketId was the first ticket in its chain. The value in ticketData.nextTicketId will contain the identifier of the newly created ticket in the chain, which will be unused at the time when the call returns, and which can be used in future calls to the Signed API. If the caller did not specify a value for ticketId (or specified null) in the request, then the value of ticketData will be null.
A string containing the timestamp in ISO 8601 format at which the request was completed.
An integer containing the serial number associated with this response. Serial numbers are allocated sequentially by RANDOM.ORG and are unique within a given apiKey (and, consequently, within the corresponding hashedApiKey).
A string containing a base64-encoded signature of the random object, signed with RANDOM.ORG's private key.
An integer containing the number of true random bits used to complete this request.
An integer containing the (estimated) number of remaining true random bits available to the client.
An integer containing the (estimated) number of remaining API requests available to the client.
An integer containing the recommended number of milliseconds that the client should delay before issuing another request.

For a successful response, the error property is absent.

A client that stores the results to show non-repudiation or implements code to satisfy other auditing requirements should store the random and signature properties, such that they can be shared publically or with auditors.

Error Response

If an error occurred, RANDOM.ORG returns a JSON-RPC response in which the result property is absent and the error property contains an error object as described in Error Codes and Messages.

Example 1

The following requests ten random decimal fractions with eight decimal places. The replacement parameter is set to false, which means the numbers will be picked without replacement, i.e., will not contain duplicate values.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "generateSignedDecimalFractions",
    "params": {
        "apiKey": "3fcffb4b-62ca-4a5b-b25e-05e27d909182",
        "n": 10,
        "decimalPlaces": 8,
        "replacement": false
    "id": 26821

The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "random": {
            "method": "generateSignedDecimalFractions",
            "hashedApiKey": "ncGk4bCmDT7GSc64MzGzNvRUoDT++pTPjntmtuu075JFqKbz/G4nKerq0JQoldvtQxYOCePxMN5gcYZSOC2DTg==",
            "n": 10,
            "decimalPlaces": 8,
            "replacement": false,
            "data": [
            "license": {
                "type": "developer",
                "text": "Random values licensed strictly for development and testing only",
                "infoUrl": null
            "userData": null,
            "ticketData": null,
            "completionTime": "2021-03-25 16:23:37Z",
            "serialNumber": 6248
        "signature": "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",
        "bitsUsed": 266,
        "bitsLeft": 247437,
        "requestsLeft": 989,
        "advisoryDelay": 3210
    "id": 26821

The method shows which part of the RANDOM.ORG API was used to generate the true random values. The hashedApiKey allows the client to share the full contents of the random and signature objects with third parties without disclosing its apiKey. The n, decimalPlaces and replacement parameters from the request are included too. The userData properties has been added with its default value, even though it did not appear in the request. Similarly, ticketData has been added with the value of null because ticketId was not included in the request and therefore defaulted to null. The data array within the result contains the true random values produced. While eight decimal places are used, final zeroes are not shown, making some values appear to have fewer decimal places. The license shows that the values are licensed for testing and development only. The completionTime specifies UTC time zone (‘Zulu time’) by the letter ‘Z’ after the clock time. The value of the serialNumber field indicates this was the 6248th request to be completed with this API key.

The result contains a signature of the entire random object, which allows the authenticity of the random object to be verified. The remaining fields in the result indicate how many true random bits were used to satisfy the request as well as how many bits and requests are left in the client's quota. The service advises the client when it can issue the next request, after a short delay.

Example 2

The following requests 20 decimal fractions with 14 decimal places picked with replacement, meaning that duplicates are allowed. The caller uses the userData parameter to add a comment about what the purpose of the numbers is.

The client specifies that it wishes to use a ticket (see the documentation for createTickets) that was created previously. The showResult property of the ticket was set to false.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "generateSignedDecimalFractions",
    "params": {
        "apiKey": "3fcffb4b-62ca-4a5b-b25e-05e27d909182",
        "n": 20,
        "decimalPlaces": 14,
        "replacement": true,
        "userData": "Values for Simulation #42",
        "ticketId": "d8000eb301b48279"
    "id": 26821

The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "random": {
            "method": "generateSignedDecimalFractions",
            "hashedApiKey": "ncGk4bCmDT7GSc64MzGzNvRUoDT++pTPjntmtuu075JFqKbz/G4nKerq0JQoldvtQxYOCePxMN5gcYZSOC2DTg==",
            "n": 20,
            "decimalPlaces": 14,
            "replacement": true,
            "data": [
            "license": {
                "type": "developer",
                "text": "Random values licensed strictly for development and testing only",
                "infoUrl": null
            "userData": "Values for Simulation #42",
            "ticketData": {
                "ticketId": "d8000eb301b48279",
                "previousTicketId": "adfdf17ec2f9e9a8",
                "nextTicketId": "97ed218c4032d237"
            "completionTime": "2021-03-25 16:27:40Z",
            "serialNumber": 6249
        "signature": "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",
        "bitsUsed": 930,
        "bitsLeft": 246507,
        "requestsLeft": 988,
        "advisoryDelay": 2870
    "id": 26821

The method, n decimalPlaces, replacement and userData properties are the same that appeared in the request. The hashedApiKey allows the client to share the full contents of the random and signature objects with third parties without disclosing its apiKey. The random object contains the true random numbers (in the data array) produced. The license shows that the values are licensed for testing and development only. The completion time is also included.

The ticketData object contains the ticketId from the client's request. The request has now used this ticket identifier and it will not be possible to use it again in future calls to the API. The ticketData object contains two other properties. The value of previousTicketId contains the ticket which was used in Example 4 of the generateSignedIntegerSequences method. The value of nextTicketId contains a newly created ticket, which the client can use for their next request.

The result contains a signature of the entire random object, which allows the authenticity of the random object to be verified. The remaining fields in the result indicate how many true random bits were used to satisfy the request as well as how many bits and requests are left in the client's quota. The service advises the client when it can issue the next request, after a short delay.

Example 3

The following requests four decimal fractions with two decimal places. The replacement parameter is set to false, meaning the numbers will be picked without replacement, i.e., duplicates will not occur. The client also specifies how it intends to use the values by passing a string in the userData parameter.

The client specifies that it wishes to use a ticket (see the documentation for createTickets) that was created previously. In this example, we specify a ticket that was created with showResult set to true. This will allow the random values returned in response to the request to also be displayed by getTicket later.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "generateSignedDecimalFractions",
    "params": {
        "apiKey": "3fcffb4b-62ca-4a5b-b25e-05e27d909182",
        "n": 4,
        "decimalPlaces": 2,
        "replacement": false,
        "userData": "Sample values for Experiment X.",
        "ticketId": "dc4f0095a24633f1"
    "id": 26821

The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "random": {
            "method": "generateSignedDecimalFractions",
            "hashedApiKey": "ncGk4bCmDT7GSc64MzGzNvRUoDT++pTPjntmtuu075JFqKbz/G4nKerq0JQoldvtQxYOCePxMN5gcYZSOC2DTg==",
            "n": 4,
            "decimalPlaces": 2,
            "replacement": false,
            "data": [
            "license": {
                "type": "developer",
                "text": "Random values licensed strictly for development and testing only",
                "infoUrl": null
            "userData": "Sample values for Experiment X.",
            "ticketData": {
                "ticketId": "dc4f0095a24633f1",
                "previousTicketId": "7b106f57d9f60c8a",
                "nextTicketId": "9770198892bf61c7"
            "completionTime": "2021-03-25 16:30:15Z",
            "serialNumber": 6250
        "signature": "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",
        "bitsUsed": 27,
        "bitsLeft": 246480,
        "requestsLeft": 987,
        "advisoryDelay": 2620
    "id": 26821

The response is very similar to that discussed under Example 2 above. The difference is visible when the getTicket method is used to retrieve the two tickets. For this ticket, i.e. the ticket with showResult set to true, all of the information including the values generated will be returned when the getTicket method is used.

generateSignedGaussians (method)

This method generates true random numbers from a Gaussian distribution (also known as a normal distribution). The method uses a Box-Muller Transform to generate the Gaussian distribution from uniformly distributed numbers. Your client must set the method property of its JSON-RPC request object to generateSignedGaussians. The request must also contain an id member, which will be returned in the response.

Required Parameters

The following parameters are mandatory and should be specified in the params array of the JSON-RPC request:

Your API key, which is used to track the true random bit usage for your client.
How many random numbers you need. Must be within the [1, 10000] range.
The distribution's mean. Must be within the [-1000000, 1000000] range.
The distribution's standard deviation. Must be within the [-1000000, 1000000] range.
The number of significant digits to use. Must be within the [2, 14] range.

Optional Parameters

The following parameters are optional and can be included in the params object of your JSON-RPC request if you want functionality that is different from the default:

userData (default value null)
Contains an optional object that will be included in unmodified form in the signed response along with the random data. If an object is present, its maximum size in encoded (string) form is 1,000 characters.
ticketId (default value null)
Contains a string with ticket identifier obtained via the createTickets method. Specifying a value for ticketId will cause RANDOM.ORG to record that the ticket was used to generate the requested random values. Each ticket can only be used once.

Successful Response

If the numbers were generated successfully, RANDOM.ORG returns a JSON-RPC response with the result property containing an object with the following named values:

This object encapsulates the random values and associated data. It is encapsulated in a separate object so it can be signed easily. The random contains the following properties.
This value is copied from the request. The reason it is included in the response is to allow it to be signed by RANDOM.ORG.
A string containing a base64-encoded SHA-512 hash of the API key. This allows the client to disclose the full contents of the random object to a third party and allow that third party to associate the response with a given apiKey, without requiring the client to disclose the actual apiKey.
n, mean, standardDeviation, significantDigits
These values are copied from the request's params object. The reason these are included in the response is to allow them to be signed by RANDOM.ORG.
An array containing the sequence of numbers requested.
An object describing the license terms under which the random values given in the data can be used. The API key owner selects a license for each API key created, which affects this field in the responses generated for this API key. For example, an API key could be licensed for non-profit use only, or for commercial gambling up to a certain prize value per month.
This value is copied from the request's userData object. If the request did not contain a value for userData, it will be included in the response with the value null.
If a non-null value for ticketId was specified in the request, then ticketData contains an object with the following properties: ticketId, previousTicketId and nextTicketId. The value in ticketData.ticketId will contain a copy of ticketId from the request. The value of ticketData.previousTicketId will contain the identifier of the ticket preceding ticketId in the chain and will be null if ticketId was the first ticket in its chain. The value in ticketData.nextTicketId will contain the identifier of the newly created ticket in the chain, which will be unused at the time when the call returns, and which can be used in future calls to the Signed API. If the caller did not specify a value for ticketId (or specified null) in the request, then the value of ticketData will be null.
A string containing the timestamp in ISO 8601 format at which the request was completed.
An integer containing the serial number associated with this response. Serial numbers are allocated sequentially by RANDOM.ORG and are unique within a given apiKey (and, consequently, within the corresponding hashedApiKey).
A string containing a base64-encoded signature of the random object, signed with RANDOM.ORG's private key.
An integer containing the number of true random bits used to complete this request.
An integer containing the (estimated) number of remaining true random bits available to the client.
An integer containing the (estimated) number of remaining API requests available to the client.
An integer containing the recommended number of milliseconds that the client should delay before issuing another request.

For a successful response, the error property is absent.

A client that stores the results to show non-repudiation or implements code to satisfy other auditing requirements should store the random and signature properties, such that they can be shared publically or with auditors.

Error Response

If an error occurred, RANDOM.ORG returns a JSON-RPC response in which the result property is absent and the error property contains an error object as described in Error Codes and Messages.

Example 1

The following requests four random numbers from a Gaussian distribution with mean 0.0 and standard deviation 1.0, accurate up to eight significant digits.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "generateSignedGaussians",
    "params": {
        "apiKey": "3fcffb4b-62ca-4a5b-b25e-05e27d909182",
        "n": 4,
        "mean": 0,
        "standardDeviation": 1,
        "significantDigits": 8,
        "userData": null
    "id": 26821

The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "random": {
            "method": "generateSignedGaussians",
            "hashedApiKey": "ncGk4bCmDT7GSc64MzGzNvRUoDT++pTPjntmtuu075JFqKbz/G4nKerq0JQoldvtQxYOCePxMN5gcYZSOC2DTg==",
            "n": 4,
            "mean": 0,
            "standardDeviation": 1,
            "significantDigits": 8,
            "data": [
            "license": {
                "type": "developer",
                "text": "Random values licensed strictly for development and testing only",
                "infoUrl": null
            "userData": null,
            "ticketData": null,
            "completionTime": "2021-03-25 16:33:34Z",
            "serialNumber": 6251
        "signature": "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",
        "bitsUsed": 106,
        "bitsLeft": 246374,
        "requestsLeft": 986,
        "advisoryDelay": 2690
    "id": 26821

The method, n, mean, standardDeviation, significantDigits and userData parameters are the same that appeared in the request. The hashedApiKey allows the client to share the full contents of the random and signature objects with third parties without disclosing its apiKey. The data array within the result contains the true random numbers produced. The license shows that the values are licensed for testing and development only. The ticketData property is null, as the ticketId parameter was not used in the request. The completionTime specifies UTC time zone (‘Zulu time’) by the letter ‘Z’ after the clock time. The value of the serialNumber field indicates that this was the 6251st request to be completed with this API key.

The result contains a signature of the entire random object, which allows the authenticity of the random object to be verified. The remaining fields in the result indicate how many true random bits were used to satisfy the request as well as how many bits and requests are left in the client's quota. The service advises the client that it can issue the next request without delay.

Example 2

The following requests 2,000 random numbers from a Gaussian distribution with mean of 1,100 and standard deviation of 100, accurate up to four significant digits. This could be used to simulate the lifetimes of lightbulbs (measured in hours), as in example 10.3.5 of Handbook of Statistical Distributions with Applications. The example includes this as a note in the userData property.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "generateSignedGaussians",
    "params": {
        "apiKey": "3fcffb4b-62ca-4a5b-b25e-05e27d909182",
        "n": 2000,
        "mean": 1100,
        "standardDeviation": 100,
        "significantDigits": 4,
        "userData": {
            "simulation": "Lightbulb Lifetimes",
            "dataSetNumber": 42
    "id": 27896

The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "random": {
            "n": 2000,
            "mean": 1100,
            "standardDeviation": 100,
            "significantDigits": 4,
            "data": [
            "license": {
                "type": "developer",
                "text": "Random values licensed strictly for development and testing only",
                "infoUrl": null
            "userData": {
                "simulation": "Lightbulb Lifetimes",
                "dataSetNumber": 42
            "ticketData": null,
            "completionTime": "2021-03-05 11:20:29Z",
            "serialNumber": 6029
        "signature": "VBKhv07TxKxkfBA0TWaYRMagvGUGjNiwZItksiodXeyBh+ur3uFQoxqkBz+r+DcPSkqcsB52ht9GYPQycLiF/2cuYEbFj5hl4jFAmOI0FCoekWpEzwaGwFUWticVtizmsYU6J85eBXtYzbONQ8XK2/laz1DMJwmu/soNeN1lAY06TGud2itLtt4l8NsERuT/SCT3fdVkKT4Umt5Fd8JKS3GYKXQxHXpe3lk6/ffToSSe90bndcpeo2fIzg95+ysSXltPep5FuxsGjH1+CwUSrRtDOFjL94t3BVhf+MXNVtoxd+wTKYh6FH7V7kf2La9i1nFiztsU6dV2Zi190XGxgW8l38qLP79UBcv5GQ/aBPwEs+bkYtjuIE2XJMSrVUBz2f4j06NWEqY5dQNuIs8+wVRyrRGGACyHabwgtI2YoSLWqzPQqw8g82Tfpafz0hr2sv0NFXYcb2fY8ly3lTJ+NO3CrLuqGu7tG+uKBrwv672fSI6NjbYsp/kzYDu+VHslP/Ni5cCKQL/Xqs6lCaAPbCN004D5T62MKnOCsC5ws58kFvv1nTylD9dxFOysTxar3Gxt3fGfgYbKlPChg/kgQkGgfkHrgtJx4MdzK5vv7OFoim9snCNLsUmWaLpUzt9kt0vhEgCh7lJB8YTADb5jNn7ZnCLLwXNQ5rvh7nooOzc=",
        "bitsUsed": 26575,
        "bitsLeft": 142949,
        "requestsLeft": 991,
        "advisoryDelay": 1650
    "id": 27896

The method, n, mean, standardDeviation, significantDigits and userData parameters are the same that appeared in the request. The hashedApiKey allows the client to share the full contents of the random and signature objects with third parties without disclosing its apiKey. The random object contains the true random numbers (in the data array) produced. The license shows that the values are licensed for testing and development only. The ticketData is null as no ticketId was supplied. The completionTime specifies UTC time zone (‘Zulu time’) by the letter ‘Z’ after the clock time. The value of the serialNumber field indicates this was the 6029th request to be completed with this API key.

The result contains a signature of the entire random object, which allows the authenticity of the random object to be verified. The remaining fields in the result indicate how many true random bits were used to satisfy the request as well as how many bits and requests are left in the client's quota. The service advises the client when it can issue the next request, after a short delay.

Example 3

The following requests ten random numbers from a Gaussian distribution with mean 0.0 and standard deviation 1.0, accurate up to 6 significant digits.

The client specifies that it wishes to use a ticket (see the documentation for createTickets) that was created previously. In this example, we specify a ticket that was created with showResult set to false. This means the random values returned in response to the request will not be included in later responses by getTicket.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "generateSignedGaussians",
    "params": {
        "apiKey": "3fcffb4b-62ca-4a5b-b25e-05e27d909182",
        "n": 10,
        "mean": 0,
        "standardDeviation": 1,
        "significantDigits": 6,
        "userData": null,
        "ticketId": "57f5c9f390567d89"
    "id": 15285

The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "random": {
            "method": "generateSignedGaussians",
            "hashedApiKey": "ncGk4bCmDT7GSc64MzGzNvRUoDT++pTPjntmtuu075JFqKbz/G4nKerq0JQoldvtQxYOCePxMN5gcYZSOC2DTg==",
            "n": 10,
            "mean": 0,
            "standardDeviation": 1,
            "significantDigits": 6,
            "data": [
            "license": {
                "type": "developer",
                "text": "Random values licensed strictly for development and testing only",
                "infoUrl": null
            "userData": null,
            "ticketData": {
                "ticketId": "57f5c9f390567d89",
                "previousTicketId": null,
                "nextTicketId": "fef8a68874710941"
            "completionTime": "2021-03-03 10:56:59Z",
            "serialNumber": 6013
        "signature": "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",
        "bitsUsed": 199,
        "bitsLeft": 249801,
        "requestsLeft": 999,
        "advisoryDelay": 1640
    "id": 15285

The method, n, mean, standardDeviation, significantDigits and userData parameters are the same that appeared in the request. The hashedApiKey allows the client to share the full contents of the random and signature objects with third parties without disclosing its apiKey. The data array within the result contains the true random numbers produced. The license shows that the values are licensed for testing and development only. The completionTime specifies UTC time zone (‘Zulu time’) by the letter ‘Z’ after the clock time. The value of the serialNumber field indicates that this was the 6013th request to be completed with this API key.

The ticketData object contains the ticketId from the client's request. The request has now used this ticket identifier and it will not be possible to use it again in future calls to the API. The ticketData object contains two other properties. The value of previousTicketId is null meaning that the ticket that was used for the request is the first in a chain. The value of nextTicketId contains a newly created ticket, which the client can use for their next request.

The result contains a signature of the entire random object, which allows the authenticity of the random object to be verified. The remaining fields in the result indicate how many true random bits were used to satisfy the request as well as how many bits and requests are left in the client's quota. The service advises the client when it can issue the next request, after a short delay.

Example 3

Like Example 3 above, the following requests ten random numbers from a Gaussian distribution with mean 0.0 and standard deviation 1.0, accurate up to 6 significant digits.

The client specifies that it wishes to use a ticket (see the documentation for createTickets) that was created previously. However, this time, we specify a ticket that was created with showResult set to true. This will allow the random values returned in response to the request to also be displayed by getTicket later.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "generateSignedGaussians",
    "params": {
        "apiKey": "3fcffb4b-62ca-4a5b-b25e-05e27d909182",
        "n": 10,
        "mean": 0,
        "standardDeviation": 1,
        "significantDigits": 6,
        "userData": null,
        "ticketId": "9273cb7c96990c4a"
    "id": 18591

The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "random": {
            "method": "generateSignedGaussians",
            "hashedApiKey": "ncGk4bCmDT7GSc64MzGzNvRUoDT++pTPjntmtuu075JFqKbz/G4nKerq0JQoldvtQxYOCePxMN5gcYZSOC2DTg==",
            "n": 10,
            "mean": 0,
            "standardDeviation": 1,
            "significantDigits": 6,
            "data": [
            "license": {
                "type": "developer",
                "text": "Random values licensed strictly for development and testing only",
                "infoUrl": null
            "userData": null,
            "ticketData": {
                "ticketId": "9273cb7c96990c4a",
                "previousTicketId": null,
                "nextTicketId": "94e7e5ab4da5c64f"
            "completionTime": "2021-03-03 16:29:51Z",
            "serialNumber": 6017
        "signature": "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",
        "bitsUsed": 199,
        "bitsLeft": 248751,
        "requestsLeft": 995,
        "advisoryDelay": 2440
    "id": 18591

The response is very similar to that discussed under Example 3 above. The difference is visible when the getTicket method is used to retrieve the two tickets. For this ticket, i.e. the ticket with showResult set to true, all of the information including the values generated will be returned when the getTicket method is used.

generateSignedStrings (method)

This method generates true random strings. Your client must set the method property of its JSON-RPC request object to generateSignedStrings. The request must also contain an id member, which will be returned in the response.

Required Parameters

The following parameters are mandatory and should be specified in the params array of the JSON-RPC request:

Your API key, which is used to track the true random bit usage for your client.
How many random strings you need. Must be within the [1, 10000] range.
The length of each string. Must be within the [1, 32] range. All strings will be of the same length.
A string containing the set of characters that are allowed to occur in the random strings. The number of characters must be in the [1, 128] range.

Optional Parameters

The following parameters are optional and can be included in the params object of your JSON-RPC request if you want functionality that is different from the default:

replacement (default value true)
Specifies whether the random strings should be picked with replacement. The default (true) will cause the strings to be picked with replacement, i.e., the resulting list of strings may contain duplicates (like a series of dice rolls). If you want the strings to be unique (like raffle tickets drawn from a container), set this value to false.
userData (default value null)
Contains an optional object that will be included in unmodified form in the signed response along with the random data. If an object is present, its maximum size in encoded (string) form is 1,000 characters.
ticketId (default value null)
Contains a string with ticket identifier obtained via the createTickets method. Specifying a value for ticketId will cause RANDOM.ORG to record that the ticket was used to generate the requested random values. Each ticket can only be used once.

Successful Response

If the strings were generated successfully, RANDOM.ORG returns a JSON-RPC response with the result property containing an object with the following named values:

This object encapsulates the random values and associated data. It is encapsulated in a separate object so it can be signed easily. The random object contains the following properties.
This value is copied from the request. The reason it is included in the response is to allow it to be signed by RANDOM.ORG.
A string containing a base64-encoded SHA-512 hash of the API key. This allows the client to disclose the full contents of the random object to a third party and allow that third party to associate the response with a given apiKey, without requiring the client to disclose the actual apiKey.
n, length, characters, replacement
These values are copied from the request's params object. Values that are optional and did not appear in the request will appear in the response with the default values. The reason these are included in the response is to allow them to be signed by RANDOM.ORG.
An array containing the strings requested.
An object describing the license terms under which the random values given in the data can be used. The API key owner selects a license for each API key created, which affects this field in the responses generated for this API key. For example, an API key could be licensed for non-profit use only, or for commercial gambling up to a certain prize value per month.
This value is copied from the request's userData object. If the request did not contain a value for userData, it will be included in the response with the value null.
If a non-null value for ticketId was specified in the request, then ticketData contains an object with the following properties: ticketId, previousTicketId and nextTicketId. The value in ticketData.ticketId will contain a copy of ticketId from the request. The value of ticketData.previousTicketId will contain the identifier of the ticket preceding ticketId in the chain and will be null if ticketId was the first ticket in its chain. The value in ticketData.nextTicketId will contain the identifier of the newly created ticket in the chain, which will be unused at the time when the call returns, and which can be used in future calls to the Signed API. If the caller did not specify a value for ticketId (or specified null) in the request, then the value of ticketData will be null.
A string containing the timestamp in ISO 8601 format at which the request was completed.
An integer containing the serial number associated with this response. Serial numbers are allocated sequentially by RANDOM.ORG and are unique within a given apiKey (and, consequently, within the corresponding hashedApiKey).
A string containing a base64-encoded signature of the random object, signed with RANDOM.ORG's private key.
An integer containing the number of true random bits used to complete this request.
An integer containing the (estimated) number of remaining true random bits available to the client.
An integer containing the (estimated) number of remaining API requests available to the client.
An integer containing the recommended number of milliseconds that the client should delay before issuing another request.

For a successful response, the error property is absent.

A client that stores the results to show non-repudiation or implements code to satisfy other auditing requirements should store the random and signature properties, such that they can be shared publically or with auditors.

Error Response

If an error occurred, RANDOM.ORG returns a JSON-RPC response in which the result property is absent and the error property contains an error object as described in Error Codes and Messages.

Example 1

The following requests eight strings of ten characters in length. Only lowercase characters from the English alphabet are allowed. The replacement parameter is set to true, which means the response will be picked with replacement, i.e., can contain duplicate strings.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "generateSignedStrings",
    "params": {
        "apiKey": "3fcffb4b-62ca-4a5b-b25e-05e27d909182",
        "n": 8,
        "length": 10,
        "characters": "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
        "replacement": true,
        "userData": null
    "id": 27896

The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "random": {
            "method": "generateSignedStrings",
            "hashedApiKey": "ncGk4bCmDT7GSc64MzGzNvRUoDT++pTPjntmtuu075JFqKbz/G4nKerq0JQoldvtQxYOCePxMN5gcYZSOC2DTg==",
            "n": 8,
            "length": 10,
            "characters": "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
            "replacement": true,
            "data": [
            "license": {
                "type": "developer",
                "text": "Random values licensed strictly for development and testing only",
                "infoUrl": null
            "userData": null,
            "ticketData": null,
            "completionTime": "2021-03-05 10:14:31Z",
            "serialNumber": 6023
        "signature": "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",
        "bitsUsed": 376,
        "bitsLeft": 196474,
        "requestsLeft": 997,
        "advisoryDelay": 1530
    "id": 27896

The method shows which part of the RANDOM.ORG API was used to generate the true random strings. The hashedApiKey allows the client to share the full contents of the random and signature objects with third parties without disclosing its apiKey. The n, length, characters, replacement and userData parameters from the request are included too. The data array within the result contains the true random strings produced. The license shows that the values are licensed for testing and development only. The ticketData property has been added with its default value of null because ticketId did not appear in the request. The completionTime specifies UTC time zone (‘Zulu time’) by the letter ‘Z’ after the clock time. The value of serialNumber shows indicates that this was the 6023rd request to be completed with this API key.

The result contains a signature of the entire random object, which allows the authenticity of the random object to be verified. The remaining fields in the result indicate how many true random bits were used to satisfy the request as well as how many bits and requests are left in the client's quota. The service advises the client when it can issue the next request, after a short delay.

Example 2

The following requests ten strings of length eight. Allowable characters are all letters from the English alphabet (uppercase and lowercase letters are treated as separate characters) as well as decimal digits and a few special characters. The replacement parameter is set to false, meaning that strings will be generated without replacement, such that there will be no duplicates amongst them.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "generateSignedStrings",
    "params": {
        "apiKey": "3fcffb4b-62ca-4a5b-b25e-05e27d909182",
        "n": 10,
        "length": 8,
        "characters": "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789!#$%&*",
        "replacement": false,
        "userData": null
    "id": 27896

The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "random": {
            "method": "generateSignedStrings",
            "hashedApiKey": "ncGk4bCmDT7GSc64MzGzNvRUoDT++pTPjntmtuu075JFqKbz/G4nKerq0JQoldvtQxYOCePxMN5gcYZSOC2DTg==",
            "n": 10,
            "length": 8,
            "characters": "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789!#$%&*",
            "replacement": false,
            "data": [
                "92l8nM!k", "c7y6IEOA", "GV9zvG78", "Niu1Ia6L", "COxJo9s#", "H6MEAS8l", "4cp$IPJJ", "IxBrlcRU", "wtbSgmsQ", "LytsT#Xs"
            "license": {
                "type": "developer",
                "text": "Random values licensed strictly for development and testing only",
                "infoUrl": null
            "userData": null,
            "ticketData": null,
            "completionTime": "2021-03-05 10:43:06Z",
            "serialNumber": 6024
        "signature": "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",
        "bitsUsed": 487,
        "bitsLeft": 195987,
        "requestsLeft": 996,
        "advisoryDelay": 1900
    "id": 27896

The method, n, length, characters, replacement and userData parameters are the same that appeared in the request. The hashedApiKey allows the client to share the full contents of the random and signature objects with third parties without disclosing its apiKey. The random object contains the true random strings (in the data array) produced. The license shows that the values are licensed for testing and development only. The ticketData property has been added with its default value of null because ticketId did not appear in the request. The completionTime specifies UTC time zone (‘Zulu time’) by the letter ‘Z’ after the clock time. The value of the serialNumber field indicates this was the 6024th request to be completed with this API key.

The result contains a signature of the entire random object, which allows the authenticity of the random object to be verified. The remaining fields in the result indicate how many true random bits were used to satisfy the request as well as how many bits and requests are left in the client's quota. The service advises the client when it can issue the next request, after a short delay.

Example 3

The following requests sixteen strings of length four. All characters from the Danish and Norwegian alphabet are allowed. The replacement parameter is absent, which means the service will use the default value of true such that the strings will be picked with replacement, i.e., duplicates are allowed.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "generateSignedStrings",
    "params": {
        "apiKey": "3fcffb4b-62ca-4a5b-b25e-05e27d909182",
        "n": 16,
        "length": 4,
        "characters": "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzæøåABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZÆØÅ",
        "userData": null
    "id": 27896

The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "random": {
            "method": "generateSignedStrings",
            "hashedApiKey": "ncGk4bCmDT7GSc64MzGzNvRUoDT++pTPjntmtuu075JFqKbz/G4nKerq0JQoldvtQxYOCePxMN5gcYZSOC2DTg==",
            "n": 16,
            "length": 4,
            "characters": "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzæøåABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZÆØÅ",
            "replacement": true,
            "data": [
                "esIæ", "afbv", "jqzt", "ZVhY", "ÆQlJ", "KWXÆ", "øUOx", "dÆvH", "Uzkå", "Mpfy", "ivZh", "lENf", "vkYq", "TzTN", "itXY", "NScÅ"
            "license": {
                "type": "developer",
                "text": "Random values licensed strictly for development and testing only",
                "infoUrl": null
            "userData": null,
            "ticketData": null,
            "completionTime": "2021-03-05 10:47:06Z",
            "serialNumber": 6025
        "signature": "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",
        "bitsUsed": 375,
        "bitsLeft": 195612,
        "requestsLeft": 995,
        "advisoryDelay": 1790
    "id": 27896

The method, n, length, characters and userData parameters are the same that appeared in the request. The replacement parameter was not specified in the request and has therefore been added with the default value of true. The hashedApiKey allows the client to share the full contents of the random and signature objects with third parties without disclosing its apiKey. The random object contains the random data generated by the server. The license shows that the values are licensed for testing and development only. The ticketData property has been added with its default value of null because ticketId did not appear in the request. The completionTime specifies UTC time zone (‘Zulu time’) by the letter ‘Z’ after the clock time. The value of the serialNumber field indicates this was the 6025th request to be completed with this API key.

The result contains a signature of the entire random object, which allows the authenticity of the random object to be verified. The remaining fields in the result indicate how many true random bits were used to satisfy the request as well as how many bits and requests are left in the client's quota. The service advises the client when it can issue the next request, after a short delay.

Example 4

Similar to Example 1 above, the following requests five strings of ten characters in length using only lowercase characters from the English alphabet. Duplicate strings are allowed.

The client specifies that it wishes to use a ticket which was returned in Example 3 in the description of the generateSignedGaussians method. As the first ticket in the chain was created with showResult set to false, the random values returned in response to this request will not be included in later responses by getTicket.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "generateSignedStrings",
    "params": {
        "apiKey": "3fcffb4b-62ca-4a5b-b25e-05e27d909182",
        "n": 5,
        "length": 10,
        "characters": "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
        "replacement": true,
        "userData": null,
        "ticketId": "fef8a68874710941"
    "id": 15285

The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "random": {
            "method": "generateSignedStrings",
            "hashedApiKey": "ncGk4bCmDT7GSc64MzGzNvRUoDT++pTPjntmtuu075JFqKbz/G4nKerq0JQoldvtQxYOCePxMN5gcYZSOC2DTg==",
            "n": 5,
            "length": 10,
            "characters": "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
            "replacement": true,
            "data": [
            "license": {
                "type": "developer",
                "text": "Random values licensed strictly for development and testing only",
                "infoUrl": null
            "userData": null,
            "ticketData": {
                "ticketId": "fef8a68874710941",
                "previousTicketId": "57f5c9f390567d89",
                "nextTicketId": "d45c33af77e1ef6a"
            "completionTime": "2021-03-03 11:00:47Z",
            "serialNumber": 6014
        "signature": "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",
        "bitsUsed": 235,
        "bitsLeft": 249566,
        "requestsLeft": 998,
        "advisoryDelay": 1120
    "id": 15285

The method shows which part of the RANDOM.ORG API was used to generate the true random values. The hashedApiKey allows the client to share the full contents of the random and signature objects with third parties without disclosing its apiKey. The n, length, characters, replacement and userData parameters from the request are included too. The data array within the result contains the true random strings produced. The license shows that the values are licensed for testing and development only. The completionTime specifies UTC time zone (‘Zulu time’) by the letter ‘Z’ after the clock time. The value of serialNumber shows indicates that this was the 6014th request to be completed with this API key.

The ticketData object contains the ticketId from the client's request. The request has now used this ticket identifier and it will not be possible to use it again in future calls to the API. The ticketData object contains two other properties. The value of previousTicketId contains the identifier for the preceding ticket in the chain, which was used in Example 3 of the generateSignedGaussians method. The value of nextTicketId contains a newly created ticket, which the client can use for their next request.

The result contains a signature of the entire random object, which allows the authenticity of the random object to be verified. The remaining fields in the result indicate how many true random bits were used to satisfy the request as well as how many bits and requests are left in the client's quota. The service advises the client when it can issue the next request, after a short delay.

Example 5

Like Example 4 above, the following requests eight strings of ten characters in length using only lowercase characters from the English alphabet, while also allowing duplicate values. But this time, we specify a ticket that was created with showResult set to true. This will allow the random values returned in response to the request to also be displayed by getTicket later. The ticket was returned in Example 4 in the description of the generateSignedGaussians method.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "generateSignedStrings",
    "params": {
        "apiKey": "3fcffb4b-62ca-4a5b-b25e-05e27d909182",
        "n": 5,
        "length": 10,
        "characters": "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
        "replacement": true,
        "userData": null,
        "ticketId": "94e7e5ab4da5c64f"
    "id": 18591

The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "random": {
            "method": "generateSignedStrings",
            "hashedApiKey": "ncGk4bCmDT7GSc64MzGzNvRUoDT++pTPjntmtuu075JFqKbz/G4nKerq0JQoldvtQxYOCePxMN5gcYZSOC2DTg==",
            "n": 5,
            "length": 10,
            "characters": "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
            "replacement": true,
            "data": [
            "license": {
                "type": "developer",
                "text": "Random values licensed strictly for development and testing only",
                "infoUrl": null
            "userData": null,
            "ticketData": {
                "ticketId": "94e7e5ab4da5c64f",
                "previousTicketId": "9273cb7c96990c4a",
                "nextTicketId": "97ab4298586171a9"
            "completionTime": "2021-03-03 17:09:14Z",
            "serialNumber": 6018
        "signature": "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",
        "bitsUsed": 235,
        "bitsLeft": 248516,
        "requestsLeft": 994,
        "advisoryDelay": 4080
    "id": 18591

The response is very similar to that discussed under Example 4 above. The difference is visible when the getTicket method is used to retrieve the two tickets. For this ticket, i.e. the ticket with showResult set to true, all of the information including the values generated will be returned when the getTicket method is used.

generateSignedUUIDs (method)

This method generates version 4 true random Universally Unique IDentifiers (UUIDs) in accordance with section 4.4 of RFC 4122. Your client must set the method property of its JSON-RPC request object to generateSignedUUIDs. The request must also contain an id member, which will be returned in the response.

Required Parameters

The following parameters are mandatory and should be specified in the params array of the JSON-RPC request:

Your API key, which is used to track the true random bit usage for your client.
How many random UUIDs you need. Must be within the [1, 1000] range.

Optional Parameters

The following parameters are optional and can be included in the params object of your JSON-RPC request if you want functionality that is different from the default:

userData (default value null)
Contains an optional object that will be included in unmodified form in the signed response along with the random data. If an object is present, its maximum size in encoded (string) form is 1,000 characters.
ticketId (default value null)
Contains a string with ticket identifier obtained via the createTickets method. Specifying a value for ticketId will cause RANDOM.ORG to record that the ticket was used to generate the requested random values. Each ticket can only be used once.

Successful Response

If the UUIDs were generated successfully, RANDOM.ORG returns a JSON-RPC response with the result property containing an object with the following named values:

This object encapsulates the random values and associated data. It is encapsulated in a separate object so it can be signed easily. The random object contains the following properties.
This value is copied from the request. The reason it is included in the response is to allow it to be signed by RANDOM.ORG.
A string containing a base64-encoded SHA-512 hash of the API key. This allows the client to disclose the full contents of the random object to a third party and allow that third party to associate the response with a given apiKey, without requiring the client to disclose the actual apiKey.
This value is copied from the request's params object. The reason it is included in the response is to allow it to be signed by RANDOM.ORG.
An array containing the UUIDs requested.
An object describing the license terms under which the random values given in the data can be used. The API key owner selects a license for each API key created, which affects this field in the responses generated for this API key. For example, an API key could be licensed for non-profit use only, or for commercial gambling up to a certain prize value per month.
This value is copied from the request's userData object. If the request did not contain a value for userData, it will be included in the response with the value null.
If a non-null value for ticketId was specified in the request, then ticketData contains an object with the following properties: ticketId, previousTicketId and nextTicketId. The value in ticketData.ticketId will contain a copy of ticketId from the request. The value of ticketData.previousTicketId will contain the identifier of the ticket preceding ticketId in the chain and will be null if ticketId was the first ticket in its chain. The value in ticketData.nextTicketId will contain the identifier of the newly created ticket in the chain, which will be unused at the time when the call returns, and which can be used in future calls to the Signed API. If the caller did not specify a value for ticketId (or specified null) in the request, then the value of ticketData will be null.
A string containing the timestamp in ISO 8601 format at which the request was completed.
An integer containing the serial number associated with this response. Serial numbers are allocated sequentially by RANDOM.ORG and are unique within a given apiKey (and, consequently, within the corresponding hashedApiKey).
A string containing a base64-encoded signature of the random object, signed with RANDOM.ORG's private key.
An integer containing the number of true random bits used to complete this request.
An integer containing the (estimated) number of remaining true random bits available to the client.
An integer containing the (estimated) number of remaining API requests available to the client.
An integer containing the recommended number of milliseconds that the client should delay before issuing another request.

For a successful response, the error property is absent.

A client that stores the results to show non-repudiation or implements code to satisfy other auditing requirements should store the random and signature properties, such that they can be shared publically or with auditors.

Error Response

If an error occurred, RANDOM.ORG returns a JSON-RPC response in which the result property is absent and the error property contains an error object as described in Error Codes and Messages.

Example 1

The following requests four UUIDs. The client does not include the optional userData parameter.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "generateSignedUUIDs",
    "params": {
        "apiKey": "3fcffb4b-62ca-4a5b-b25e-05e27d909182",
        "n": 4, 
        "userData": null
    "id": 27896

The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "random": {
            "method": "generateSignedUUIDs",
            "hashedApiKey": "ncGk4bCmDT7GSc64MzGzNvRUoDT++pTPjntmtuu075JFqKbz/G4nKerq0JQoldvtQxYOCePxMN5gcYZSOC2DTg==",
            "n": 4,
            "data": [
                "eea951bc-b077-4c99-b9f0-3e16d6d56e89", "ac1f2b8b-24a4-44bf-866d-95fcccf73233", "9b1ae06f-7797-49ec-add5-7d2f154b4644", "5ef28fa4-6413-44a0-8bea-55660bc104fb"
            "license": {
                "type": "developer",
                "text": "Random values licensed strictly for development and testing only",
                "infoUrl": null
            "userData": null,
            "ticketData": null,
            "completionTime": "2021-03-05 10:54:40Z",
            "serialNumber": 6026
        "signature": "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",
        "bitsUsed": 488,
        "bitsLeft": 195124,
        "requestsLeft": 994,
        "advisoryDelay": 1780
    "id": 27896

The method shows which part of the RANDOM.ORG API was used to generate the true random values. The hashedApiKey allows the client to share the full contents of the random and signature objects with third parties without disclosing its apiKey. The n and userData parameters from the request are included too. The data array within the result contains the true random values produced. The license shows that the values are licensed for testing and development only. The ticketData property has been added with its default value of null because ticketId did not appear in the request. The completionTime specifies UTC time zone (‘Zulu time’) by the letter ‘Z’ after the clock time. The service advises that this is the 6026th request to be completed with this API key.

The result contains a signature of the entire random object, which allows the authenticity of the random object to be verified. The remaining fields in the result indicate how many true random bits were used to satisfy the request as well as how many bits and requests are left in the client's quota. The service advises the client when it can issue the next request, after a short delay.

Example 2

As in Example 1 above, the following requests four UUIDs. In addition to this, the client specifies that it wishes to use a ticket which was returned in Example 4 in the description of the generateSignedStrings method. As the first ticket in the chain was created with showResult set to false, the random values returned in response to this request will not be included in later responses by getTicket.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "generateSignedUUIDs",
    "params": {
        "apiKey": "3fcffb4b-62ca-4a5b-b25e-05e27d909182",
        "n": 4,
        "userData": null,
        "ticketId": "d45c33af77e1ef6a"
    "id": 15285

The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "random": {
            "method": "generateSignedUUIDs",
            "hashedApiKey": "ncGk4bCmDT7GSc64MzGzNvRUoDT++pTPjntmtuu075JFqKbz/G4nKerq0JQoldvtQxYOCePxMN5gcYZSOC2DTg==",
            "n": 4,
            "data": [
            "license": {
                "type": "developer",
                "text": "Random values licensed strictly for development and testing only",
                "infoUrl": null
            "userData": null,
            "ticketData": {
                "ticketId": "d45c33af77e1ef6a",
                "previousTicketId": "fef8a68874710941",
                "nextTicketId": "dc24cb1869d3d964"
            "completionTime": "2021-03-03 11:04:21Z",
            "serialNumber": 6015
        "signature": "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",
        "bitsUsed": 488,
        "bitsLeft": 249078,
        "requestsLeft": 997,
        "advisoryDelay": 1620
    "id": 15285

The method shows which part of the RANDOM.ORG API was used to generate the true random values. The hashedApiKey allows the client to share the full contents of the random and signature objects with third parties without disclosing its apiKey. The n and userData parameters from the request are included too. The data array within the result contains the true random values produced. The license shows that the values are licensed for testing and development only. The completionTime specifies UTC time zone (‘Zulu time’) by the letter ‘Z’ after the clock time. The service advises that this is the 6015th request to be completed with this API key.

The ticketData object contains the ticketId from the client's request. The request has now used this ticket identifier and it will not be possible to use it again in future calls to the API. The ticketData object contains two other properties. The value of previousTicketId contains the identifier for the preceding ticket in the chain, which was used in Example 4 of the generateSignedStrings method. The value of nextTicketId contains a newly created ticket, which the client can use for their next request.

The result contains a signature of the entire random object, which allows the authenticity of the random object to be verified. The remaining fields in the result indicate how many true random bits were used to satisfy the request as well as how many bits and requests are left in the client's quota. The service advises the client when it can issue the next request, after a short delay.

Example 3

Like Example 2 above, the following requests four UUIDs. But this time, we specify a ticket that was created with showResult set to true. This will allow the random values returned in response to the request to also be displayed by getTicket later. The ticket was returned in Example 5 in the description of the generateSignedStrings method.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "generateSignedUUIDs",
    "params": {
        "apiKey": "3fcffb4b-62ca-4a5b-b25e-05e27d909182",
        "n": 4,
        "userData": null,
        "ticketId": "97ab4298586171a9"
    "id": 18591

The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "random": {
            "method": "generateSignedUUIDs",
            "hashedApiKey": "ncGk4bCmDT7GSc64MzGzNvRUoDT++pTPjntmtuu075JFqKbz/G4nKerq0JQoldvtQxYOCePxMN5gcYZSOC2DTg==",
            "n": 4,
            "data": [
            "license": {
                "type": "developer",
                "text": "Random values licensed strictly for development and testing only",
                "infoUrl": null
            "userData": null,
            "ticketData": {
                "ticketId": "97ab4298586171a9",
                "previousTicketId": "94e7e5ab4da5c64f",
                "nextTicketId": "775f80fdcda23031"
            "completionTime": "2021-03-03 18:18:46Z",
            "serialNumber": 6019
        "signature": "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",
        "bitsUsed": 488,
        "bitsLeft": 248028,
        "requestsLeft": 993,
        "advisoryDelay": 4400
    "id": 18591

The response is very similar to that discussed under Example 2 above. However, the difference is visible when the getTicket method is used to retrieve the two tickets. For this ticket, i.e. the ticket with showResult set to true, all of the information including the values generated will be returned when the getTicket method is used.

generateSignedBlobs (method)

This method generates Binary Large OBjects (BLOBs) containing true random data. Your client must set the method property of its JSON-RPC request object to generateSignedBlobs. The request must also contain an id member, which will be returned in the response.

Required Parameters

The following parameters are mandatory and should be specified in the params array of the JSON-RPC request:

Your API key, which is used to track the true random bit usage for your client.
How many random BLOBs you need. Must be within the [1, 100] range.
The size of each BLOB, measured in bits. Must be within the [1, 1048576] range and must be divisible by 8.

The total size of all BLOBs requested must not exceed 1,048,576 bits (128 KiB).

Optional Parameters

The following parameters are optional and can be included in the params object of your JSON-RPC request if you want functionality that is different from the default:

format (default value base64)
Specifies the format in which the BLOBs will be returned. Values allowed are base64 and hex.
userData (default value null)
Contains an optional object that will be included in unmodified form in the signed response along with the random data. If an object is present, its maximum size in encoded (string) form is 1,000 characters.
ticketId (default value null)
Contains a string with ticket identifier obtained via the createTickets method. Specifying a value for ticketId will cause RANDOM.ORG to record that the ticket was used to generate the requested random values. Each ticket can only be used once.

Successful Response

If the BLOBs were generated successfully, RANDOM.ORG returns a JSON-RPC response with the result property containing an object with the following named values:

This object encapsulates the random values and associated data. It is encapsulated in a separate object so it can be signed easily. The random object contains the following properties.
This value is copied from the request. The reason it is included in the response is to allow it to be signed by RANDOM.ORG.
A string containing a base64-encoded SHA-512 hash of the API key. This allows the client to disclose the full contents of the random object to a third party and allow that third party to associate the response with a given apiKey, without requiring the client to disclose the actual apiKey.
n, size, format
These values are copied from the request's params object. Values that are optional and did not appear in the request will appear in the response with the default values. The reason these are included in the response is to allow them to be signed by RANDOM.ORG.
An array containing the BLOBs requested. Each BLOB will be formatted as a string encoded in the format specified in the request.
An object describing the license terms under which the random values given in the data can be used. The API key owner selects a license for each API key created, which affects this field in the responses generated for this API key. For example, an API key could be licensed for non-profit use only, or for commercial gambling up to a certain prize value per month.
This value is copied from the request's userData object. If the request did not contain a value for userData, it will be included in the response with the value null.
If a non-null value for ticketId was specified in the request, then ticketData contains an object with the following properties: ticketId, previousTicketId and nextTicketId. The value in ticketData.ticketId will contain a copy of ticketId from the request. The value of ticketData.previousTicketId will contain the identifier of the ticket preceding ticketId in the chain and will be null if ticketId was the first ticket in its chain. The value in ticketData.nextTicketId will contain the identifier of the newly created ticket in the chain, which will be unused at the time when the call returns, and which can be used in future calls to the Signed API. If the caller did not specify a value for ticketId (or specified null) in the request, then the value of ticketData will be null.
A string containing the timestamp in ISO 8601 format at which the request was completed.
An integer containing the serial number associated with this response. Serial numbers are allocated sequentially by RANDOM.ORG and are unique within a given apiKey (and, consequently, within the corresponding hashedApiKey).
A string containing a base64-encoded signature of the random object, signed with RANDOM.ORG's private key.
An integer containing the number of true random bits used to complete this request.
An integer containing the (estimated) number of remaining true random bits available to the client.
An integer containing the (estimated) number of remaining API requests available to the client.
An integer containing the recommended number of milliseconds that the client should delay before issuing another request.

For a successful response, the error property is absent.

A client that stores the results to show non-repudiation or implements code to satisfy other auditing requirements should store the random and signature properties, such that they can be shared publically or with auditors.

Error Response

If an error occurred, RANDOM.ORG returns a JSON-RPC response in which the result property is absent and the error property contains an error object as described in Error Codes and Messages.

Example 1

The following requests a single BLOB containing 1,024 true random bits (128 bytes), for example to seed a pseudo-random number generator.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "generateSignedBlobs",
    "params": {
        "apiKey": "3fcffb4b-62ca-4a5b-b25e-05e27d909182",
        "n": 1,
        "size": 1024
    "id": 27896

The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "random": {
            "method": "generateSignedBlobs",
            "hashedApiKey": "ncGk4bCmDT7GSc64MzGzNvRUoDT++pTPjntmtuu075JFqKbz/G4nKerq0JQoldvtQxYOCePxMN5gcYZSOC2DTg==",
            "n": 1,
            "size": 1024,
            "format": "base64",
            "data": [
            "license": {
                "type": "developer",
                "text": "Random values licensed strictly for development and testing only",
                "infoUrl": null
            "userData": null,
            "ticketData": null,
            "completionTime": "2021-03-05 10:58:11Z",
            "serialNumber": 6027
        "signature": "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",
        "bitsUsed": 1024,
        "bitsLeft": 194100,
        "requestsLeft": 993,
        "advisoryDelay": 1940
    "id": 27896

The method shows which part of the RANDOM.ORG API was used to generate the true random BLOB. The hashedApiKey allows the client to share the full contents of the random and signature objects with third parties without disclosing its apiKey. The n parameter from the request is included too. The format and userData parameters were not specified in the request, so they have been added with default values. The data array within the result contains the random BLOB produced. Since no value was specified for the format parameter, the BLOB is encoded with the default base64-encoding. The ticketData property has been added with its default value of null because ticketId did not appear in the request. The completionTime specifies UTC time zone (‘Zulu time’) by the letter ‘Z’ after the clock time. The serialNumber indicates that this is the 6027th request to be completed with this API key.

The result contains a signature of the entire random object, which allows the authenticity of the random object to be verified. Through the other fields in the result, RANDOM.ORG also advises how many true random bits were used to satisfy the request and how many bits and requests are left in the client's quota. The service advises the client when it can issue the next request, after a short delay.

Example 2

The following requests four BLOBs, each containing 6,144 true random bits (768 bytes) encoded as hex strings.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "generateSignedBlobs",
    "params": {
        "apiKey": "3fcffb4b-62ca-4a5b-b25e-05e27d909182",
        "n": 4,
        "size": 6144,
        "format": "hex",
        "userData": null
    "id": 27896

The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "random": {
            "method": "generateSignedBlobs",
            "hashedApiKey": "ncGk4bCmDT7GSc64MzGzNvRUoDT++pTPjntmtuu075JFqKbz/G4nKerq0JQoldvtQxYOCePxMN5gcYZSOC2DTg==",
            "n": 4,
            "size": 6144,
            "format": "hex",
            "data": [
            "license": {
                "type": "developer",
                "text": "Random values licensed strictly for development and testing only",
                "infoUrl": null
            "userData": null,
            "ticketData": null,
            "completionTime": "2021-03-05 11:03:12Z",
            "serialNumber": 6028
        "signature": "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",
        "bitsUsed": 24576,
        "bitsLeft": 169524,
        "requestsLeft": 992,
        "advisoryDelay": 1650
    "id": 27896

The method, n, size, format and userData parameters are the same that appeared in the request. The hashedApiKey allows the client to share the full contents of the random and signature objects with third parties without disclosing its apiKey. The data array within the result contains the random BLOBs produced, formatted as hex strings. The license shows that the values are licensed for testing and development only. The ticketData property has been added with its default value of null because ticketId did not appear in the request. The serial number indicates that this is the 6028th request to be completed with this API key.

The result contains a signature of the entire random object, which allows the authenticity of the random object to be verified. The remaining fields in the result indicate how many true random bits were used to satisfy the request as well as how many bits and requests are left in the client's quota. The service advises the client when it can issue the next request, after a short delay.

Example 3

The following requests one BLOB, containing 128 true random bits (16 bytes) encoded as a hex string. In addition to this, the client specifies that it wishes to use a ticket which was returned in Example 2 in the description of the generateSignedUUIDs method. As the first ticket in the chain was created with showResult set to false, the random values returned in response to this request will not be included in later responses by getTicket.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "generateSignedBlobs",
    "params": {
        "apiKey": "3fcffb4b-62ca-4a5b-b25e-05e27d909182",
        "n": 1,
        "size": 128,
        "format": "hex",
        "userData": null,
        "ticketId": "dc24cb1869d3d964"
    "id": 15285

The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "random": {
            "method": "generateSignedBlobs",
            "hashedApiKey": "ncGk4bCmDT7GSc64MzGzNvRUoDT++pTPjntmtuu075JFqKbz/G4nKerq0JQoldvtQxYOCePxMN5gcYZSOC2DTg==",
            "n": 1,
            "size": 128,
            "format": "hex",
            "data": [
            "license": {
                "type": "developer",
                "text": "Random values licensed strictly for development and testing only",
                "infoUrl": null
            "userData": null,
            "ticketData": {
                "ticketId": "dc24cb1869d3d964",
                "previousTicketId": "d45c33af77e1ef6a",
                "nextTicketId": "bb770b44570e5331"
            "completionTime": "2021-03-03 11:07:51Z",
            "serialNumber": 6016
        "signature": "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",
        "bitsUsed": 128,
        "bitsLeft": 248950,
        "requestsLeft": 996,
        "advisoryDelay": 1490
    "id": 15285

The method, n, size, format and userData parameters are the same that appeared in the request. The hashedApiKey allows the client to share the full contents of the random and signature objects with third parties without disclosing its apiKey. The data array within the result contains the random BLOB produced, formatted as a hex string. The license shows that the values are licensed for testing and development only. The serial number indicates that this is the 6016th request to be completed with this API key.

The ticketData object contains the ticketId from the client's request. The request has now used this ticket identifier and it will not be possible to use it again in future calls to the API. The ticketData object contains two other properties. The value of previousTicketId contains the identifier for the preceding ticket in the chain, which was used in Example 2 of the generateSignedUUIDs method. The value of nextTicketId contains a newly created ticket, which the client can use for their next request.

The result contains a signature of the entire random object, which allows the authenticity of the random object to be verified. The remaining fields in the result indicate how many true random bits were used to satisfy the request as well as how many bits and requests are left in the client's quota. The service advises the client when it can issue the next request, after a short delay.

Example 4

Like Example 3 above, the following requests one BLOB, containing 128 true random bits (16 bytes) encoded as a hex string. But this time, we specify a ticket that was created with showResult set to true. This will allow the random values returned in response to the request to also be displayed by getTicket later. The ticket was returned in Example 3 in the description of the generateSignedUUIDs method.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "generateSignedBlobs",
    "params": {
        "apiKey": "3fcffb4b-62ca-4a5b-b25e-05e27d909182",
        "n": 1,
        "size": 128,
        "format": "hex",
        "userData": null,
        "ticketId": "775f80fdcda23031"
    "id": 18591

The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "random": {
            "method": "generateSignedBlobs",
            "hashedApiKey": "ncGk4bCmDT7GSc64MzGzNvRUoDT++pTPjntmtuu075JFqKbz/G4nKerq0JQoldvtQxYOCePxMN5gcYZSOC2DTg==",
            "n": 1,
            "size": 128,
            "format": "hex",
            "data": [
            "license": {
                "type": "developer",
                "text": "Random values licensed strictly for development and testing only",
                "infoUrl": null
            "userData": null,
            "ticketData": {
                "ticketId": "775f80fdcda23031",
                "previousTicketId": "97ab4298586171a9",
                "nextTicketId": "5797bbc53374ba4c"
            "completionTime": "2021-03-03 18:21:05Z",
            "serialNumber": 6020
        "signature": "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",
        "bitsUsed": 128,
        "bitsLeft": 247900,
        "requestsLeft": 992,
        "advisoryDelay": 3750
    "id": 18591

The response is very similar to that discussed under Example 3 above. The difference is visible when the getTicket method is used to retrieve the two tickets. For this ticket, i.e. the ticket with showResult set to true, all of the information including the values generated will be returned when the getTicket method is used.

getUsage (method)

This method returns information related to the usage of a given API key. Your client must set the method property of its JSON-RPC request object to getUsage. The request must also contain an id member, which will be returned in the response.

Required Parameters

The following parameters are mandatory and should be specified in the params array of the JSON-RPC request:

Your API key, which is used to track the true random bit usage for your client.

Optional Parameters

This method has no optional parameters.

Successful Response

If the request succeeded, RANDOM.ORG returns a JSON-RPC response with the result property containing an object with the following named values:

A string indicating the API key's current status, which may be stopped or running. An API key must be running for it to be able to serve requests.
A string containing the timestamp in ISO 8601 format at which the API key was created.
An integer containing the (estimated) number of remaining true random bits available to the client.
An integer containing the (estimated) number of remaining API requests available to the client.
An integer containing the number of bits used by this API key since it was created.
An integer containing the number of requests used by this API key since it was created.

For a successful response, the error property is absent.

Error Response

If an error occurred, RANDOM.ORG returns a JSON-RPC response in which the result property is absent and the error property contains an error object as described in Error Codes and Messages.

Example 1

The following requests usage information for an API key that exists and is running.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "getUsage",
    "params": {
        "apiKey": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
    "id": 15998

The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "status": "running",
        "creationTime": "2013-02-01 17:53:40Z",
        "bitsLeft": 998532,
        "requestsLeft": 199996,
        "totalBits": 1646421,
        "totalRequests": 65036
    "id": 15998

RANDOM.ORG informs that the API key in question is running and advises how many bits (998,532) and requests (199,996) are left in its quota. The response also contains information about how many bits (1,646,421) and requests (65,036) have been served with this API key since it was created (on 1 February 2013 at 5.53pm UTC).

Example 2

The following requests usage information for an API key that is stopped.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "getUsage",
    "params": {
        "apiKey": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
    "id": 21185

The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "status": "stopped",
        "creationTime": "2013-02-01 17:53:40Z",
        "bitsLeft": 871365,
        "requestsLeft": 199977,
        "totalBits": 3519123,
        "totalRequests": 69274
    "id": 21185

RANDOM.ORG advises that the API key in question exists but is stopped, which means that it cannot be used to serve requests. The service also informs how many bits (871,365) and requests (199,977) are left in the quota for this API key. The response also contains information about how many bits (3,519,123) and requests (69,274) have been served with this API key since it was created (on 1 February 2013 at 5.53pm UTC).

Example 3

The following requests usage information for an API key that does not exist.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "getUsage",
    "params": {
        "apiKey": "ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff"
    "id": 3677

The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "error": {
        "code": 400,
        "message": "The API key you specified does not exist",
        "data": null
    "id": 3677

RANDOM.ORG advises that the API key in question does not exist. More information about the error object contained in the error property can be found in Error Codes and Messages.

getResult (method)

When your client uses the Signed API to generate random values, RANDOM.ORG stores the signed result for a minimum of one year, such that you can fetch it again. The getResult method is used to retrieve such previously generated results. Your client must set the method property of its JSON-RPC request object to getResult. The request must also contain an id member, which will be returned in the response.

Required Parameters

The following parameters are mandatory and should be specified in the params array of the JSON-RPC request:

Your API key, which is used to track the true random bit usage for your client.
An integer containing the serial number associated with the response you wish to retrieve.

Optional Parameters

No optional parameters.

Successful Response

If the historical response was found, RANDOM.ORG returns a JSON-RPC response with the result property containing the same values that were returned by the method that was used to generate the values. They are not listed here, since they depend on the method that was used to generate the random values. This is illustrated by example below.

Note that all values within the result object are historical, including not only signature, but also bitsUsed, bitsLeft, requestsLeft and advisoryDelay. For this reason, the client when invoking getResult should not adapt its behavior in response to these properties, as it normally should when generating random values using the Signed API.

For a successful response, the error property is absent.

Error Response

If an error occurred, RANDOM.ORG returns a JSON-RPC response in which the result property is absent and the error property contains an error object as described in Error Codes and Messages.

Example 1

The following requests the result generated in Example 1 from the generateSignedIntegers method description.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "getResult",
    "params": {
        "apiKey": "3fcffb4b-62ca-4a5b-b25e-05e27d909182",
        "serialNumber": 6241
    "id": 2839

The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "random": {
            "method": "generateSignedIntegers",
            "hashedApiKey": "ncGk4bCmDT7GSc64MzGzNvRUoDT++pTPjntmtuu075JFqKbz/G4nKerq0JQoldvtQxYOCePxMN5gcYZSOC2DTg==",
            "n": 3,
            "min": 1,
            "max": 6,
            "replacement": true,
            "base": 10,
            "data": [
                2, 5, 4
            "license": {
                "type": "developer",
                "text": "Random values licensed strictly for development and testing only",
                "infoUrl": null
            "userData": null,
            "ticketData": null,
            "completionTime": "2021-03-25 14:29:38Z",
            "serialNumber": 6241
        "signature": "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",
        "bitsUsed": 8,
        "bitsLeft": 249796,
        "requestsLeft": 996,
        "advisoryDelay": 2760
    "id": 2839

The result object contains all the properties that were returned when the random values were generated. Note that the id property contains the new JSON-RPC identifier (from the invocation of getResult) rather than the historical one (from the invocation of generateSignedIntegers).

Example 2

The following requests a result generated with a nonexistent API key.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "getResult",
    "params": {
        "apiKey": "ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff",
        "serialNumber": 2647656
    "id": 13609

The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "error": {
        "code": 303,
        "message": "The resource identified by 'apiKey' was not found",
        "data": ["apiKey"]
    "id": 13609

Example 3

The following requests a result generated with an API key that exists, but where the requested result is nonexistent, for example because it has expired.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "getResult",
    "params": {
        "apiKey": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "serialNumber": 1
    "id": 28447

The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "error": {
        "code": 303,
        "message": "The resource identified by 'serialNumber' was not found",
        "data": ["serialNumber"]
    "id": 28447

createTickets (method)

This method creates a number of tickets. The tickets can be used in one of the methods that generate random values. Your client must set the method property of its JSON-RPC request object to createTickets. The request must also contain an id member, which will be returned in the response.

Required Parameters

The following parameters are mandatory and should be specified in the params array of the JSON-RPC request:

The API key for which the tickets will be valid. A ticket can only be used for the API key for which it was created.
The number of tickets requested. This must be a number in the [1, 50] range.
A boolean value that determines how much information calls to getTicket will return. If showResult is false, getTicket will return only the basic ticket information. If showResult is true, the full random and signature objects from the response that was used to satisfy the ticket are returned. For more information, please see the documentation for getTicket.

Optional Parameters

No optional parameters.

Successful Response

If the request completed successfully, the response contains an array of ticket objects, each of which has the following properties:

A string value that uniquely identifies the ticket.
A string containing the timestamp in ISO 8601 format at which the ticket was created.
A string value that identifies the next ticket in the chain. Since a new chain only contains one ticket, nextTicketId will be null.

For a successful response, the error property is absent.

Error Response

If an error occurred, RANDOM.ORG returns a JSON-RPC response in which the result property is absent and the error property contains an error object as described in Error Codes and Messages.

Example 1

The following requests two tickets for a particular API key.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "createTickets",
    "params": {
        "apiKey": "3fcffb4b-62ca-4a5b-b25e-05e27d909182",
        "n": 2,
        "showResult": false
    "id": 26821

By setting showResult to false in the request, the caller specifies that if getTicket is later invoked for one of the tickets created, then only the basic details of the ticket will be returned; not the random values that the ticket was used for. For more information, please see the documentation for the getTicket method.

The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": [
            "ticketId": "b09671d3a527cb5d",
            "creationTime": "2021-03-25 14:36:18Z",
            "previousTicketId": null,
            "nextTicketId": null
            "ticketId": "510969656589b1ac",
            "creationTime": "2021-03-25 14:36:18Z",
            "previousTicketId": null,
            "nextTicketId": null
    "id": 26821

Example 2

The following requests two tickets for a particular API key.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "createTickets",
    "params": {
        "apiKey": "3fcffb4b-62ca-4a5b-b25e-05e27d909182",
        "n": 2,
        "showResult": true
    "id": 26821

By setting showResult to true in the request, the caller specifies that if getTicket is later invoked for one of the tickets created, then the full details of the ticket will be returned, including the random values produced when the ticket was used. For more information, please see the documentation for the getTicket method.

The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": [
            "ticketId": "57bc9dead64863bf",
            "creationTime": "2021-03-25 14:40:09Z",
            "previousTicketId": null,
            "nextTicketId": null
            "ticketId": "6c5710afda906835",
            "creationTime": "2021-03-25 14:40:09Z",
            "previousTicketId": null,
            "nextTicketId": null
    "id": 26821

listTickets (method)

This method obtains information about tickets that exist for a given API key. Your client must set the method property of its JSON-RPC request object to listTickets. The request must also contain an id member, which will be returned in the response.

The maximum number of tickets that can be returned by this method is 2000.

Required Parameters

The following parameters are mandatory and should be specified in the params array of the JSON-RPC request:

Your API key, which is used to track the true random bit usage for your client.
A string describing the type of tickets you want to maintain information about. Possible values are singleton, head and tail.
  • Specifying singleton will cause listTickets to return tickets that have no previous or next tickets, i.e., tickets that are their only ones in their chains.
  • Specifying head will cause listTickets to return tickets that do not have a previous ticket but that do have a next ticket, i.e., tickets that are the heads in a chain.
  • Specifying tail will cause listTickets to return tickets that have a previous ticket but do not have a next ticket, i.e., tickets that are the tails in a chain.

Optional Parameters

No optional parameters.

Successful Response

If the request completed successfully, the response contains an array of objects with the following properties:

This will be identify a ticket belonging to the apiKey specified in the request.
The hashed API key for which the ticket is valid.
A boolean value that determines how much information calls to getTicket will return for the ticket. If showResult is false, getTicket will return only the basic ticket information. If showResult is true, the full random and signature objects from the response that was used to satisfy the ticket is returned. For more information, please see the documentation for getTicket.
A string containing the timestamp in ISO 8601 format at which the ticket was created.
A string containing the timestamp in ISO 8601 format at which the ticket was used. If the ticket has not been used yet, this value is null.
A numeric value indicating which serial number (within the API key used to serve the ticket) was used for the ticket. If the caller has the unhashed API key, they can use the serialNumber returned to obtain the full result via the getResult method. If the ticket has not been used yet, this value is null.
A string containing the timestamp in ISO 8601 format at which the ticket expires. If the ticket has not been used yet, this value is null.
A string specifying the previous ticket in the chain to which this ticket belongs. If the ticket is the first in its chain, then previousTicketId is null.
A string specifying the next ticket in the chain to which this ticket belongs. If the ticket is the last in its chain, then nextTicketId is null.

For a successful response, the error property is absent.

Error Response

If an error occurred, RANDOM.ORG returns a JSON-RPC response in which the result property is absent and the error property contains an error object as described in Error Codes and Messages.

Example 1

The following obtains the details of some of the tickets created in Examples 1 and 2 of the description of the createTickets method:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "listTickets",
    "params": {
        "apiKey": "3fcffb4b-62ca-4a5b-b25e-05e27d909182",
        "ticketType": "singleton"
    "id": 2839

The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": [
            "ticketId": "510969656589b1ac",
            "hashedApiKey": "ncGk4bCmDT7GSc64MzGzNvRUoDT++pTPjntmtuu075JFqKbz/G4nKerq0JQoldvtQxYOCePxMN5gcYZSOC2DTg==",
            "showResult": false,
            "creationTime": "2021-03-25 14:36:18Z",
            "usedTime": null,
            "serialNumber": null,
            "expirationTime": "2021-04-24 14:36:18Z",
            "previousTicketId": null,
            "nextTicketId": null
            "ticketId": "6c5710afda906835",
            "hashedApiKey": "ncGk4bCmDT7GSc64MzGzNvRUoDT++pTPjntmtuu075JFqKbz/G4nKerq0JQoldvtQxYOCePxMN5gcYZSOC2DTg==",
            "showResult": true,
            "creationTime": "2021-03-25 14:40:09Z",
            "usedTime": null,
            "serialNumber": null,
            "expirationTime": "2021-04-24 14:40:09Z",
            "previousTicketId": null,
            "nextTicketId": null
    "id": 2839

The response gives the details of all singleton tickets currently belonging to this API key. To save space, only singleton tickets which were created in the examples for the createTickets method are shown.

Example 2

The following obtains the details of some of the tickets created in Examples 1 and 2 of the description of the createTickets method:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "listTickets",
    "params": {
        "apiKey": "3fcffb4b-62ca-4a5b-b25e-05e27d909182",
        "ticketType": "head"
    "id": 2839

The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": [
            "ticketId": "b09671d3a527cb5d",
            "hashedApiKey": "ncGk4bCmDT7GSc64MzGzNvRUoDT++pTPjntmtuu075JFqKbz/G4nKerq0JQoldvtQxYOCePxMN5gcYZSOC2DTg==",
            "showResult": false,
            "creationTime": "2021-03-25 14:36:18Z",
            "usedTime": "2021-03-25 14:41:40Z",
            "serialNumber": 6243,
            "expirationTime": "2021-04-24 14:36:18Z",
            "previousTicketId": null,
            "nextTicketId": "adfdf17ec2f9e9a8"
            "ticketId": "57bc9dead64863bf",
            "hashedApiKey": "ncGk4bCmDT7GSc64MzGzNvRUoDT++pTPjntmtuu075JFqKbz/G4nKerq0JQoldvtQxYOCePxMN5gcYZSOC2DTg==",
            "showResult": true,
            "creationTime": "2021-03-25 14:40:09Z",
            "usedTime": "2021-03-25 14:45:13Z",
            "serialNumber": 6244,
            "expirationTime": "2021-04-24 14:40:09Z",
            "previousTicketId": null,
            "nextTicketId": "7b106f57d9f60c8a"
    "id": 2839

To save space, only the two tickets which were used in Examples 3 and 4 of the generateSignedIntegers method are shown here. Each ticket returned by this method is the head of a chain.

getTicket (method)

This method obtains information about a single ticket. Your client must set the method property of its JSON-RPC request object to getTicket. The request must also contain an id member, which will be returned in the response.

Required Parameters

The following parameters are mandatory and should be specified in the params array of the JSON-RPC request:

A string containing a ticket identifier returned by a prior call to the createTickets method.

Optional Parameters

No optional parameters.

Successful Response

If the request completed successfully, the response contains an object with the following properties:

This will be identical to the ticketId specified in the request.
The hashed API key for which the ticket is valid.
A boolean value that determines how much information calls to getTicket will return for the ticket. If showResult is false, getTicket will return only the basic ticket information. If showResult is true, the full random and signature objects from the response that was used to satisfy the ticket is returned. For more information, please see the documentation for getTicket.
A string containing the timestamp in ISO 8601 format at which the ticket was created.
A string containing the timestamp in ISO 8601 format at which the ticket was used. If the ticket has not been used yet, this value is null.
A numeric value indicating which serial number (within the API key used to serve the ticket) was used for the ticket. If the caller has the unhashed API key, they can use the serialNumber returned to obtain the full result via the getResult method. If the ticket has not been used yet, this value is null.
A string containing the timestamp in ISO 8601 format at which the ticket expires. If the ticket has not been used yet, this value is null.
A string specifying the previous ticket in the chain to which this ticket belongs. If the ticket is the first in its chain, then previousTicketId is null.
A string specifying the next ticket in the chain to which this ticket belongs. If the ticket is the last in its chain, then nextTicketId is null.

For a successful response, the error property is absent. If the caller has access to the unhashed API key, it can use the serialNumber from the response to obtain full details of the response through the use of the getResult method.

Error Response

If an error occurred, RANDOM.ORG returns a JSON-RPC response in which the result property is absent and the error property contains an error object as described in Error Codes and Messages.

Example 1

The following obtains the details of the first of the tickets created in Example 1 of the description of the createTickets method:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "getTicket",
    "params": {
        "ticketId": "b09671d3a527cb5d"
    "id": 2839

The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "ticketId": "b09671d3a527cb5d",
        "hashedApiKey": "ncGk4bCmDT7GSc64MzGzNvRUoDT++pTPjntmtuu075JFqKbz/G4nKerq0JQoldvtQxYOCePxMN5gcYZSOC2DTg==",
        "showResult": false,
        "creationTime": "2021-03-25 14:36:18Z",
        "usedTime": "2021-03-25 14:41:40Z",
        "serialNumber": 6243,
        "expirationTime": "2021-04-24 14:36:18Z",
        "previousTicketId": null,
        "nextTicketId": "adfdf17ec2f9e9a8"
    "id": 2839

The response shows that the ticket exists and when it was used, which was in Example 3 of the description of the generateSignedIntegers method. Because the caller specified false for the showResult parameter when the ticket was created, the response from getTicket method only contains the basic ticket details, not the random values produced when the ticket was used. If the caller has the unhashed API key corresponding to hashedApiKey, then they can call getResult to get the full details of the response.

Example 2

The following obtains the details of the second of the tickets created in Example 1 of the description of the createTickets method:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "getTicket",
    "params": {
        "ticketId": "510969656589b1ac"
    "id": 2839

The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "ticketId": "510969656589b1ac",
        "hashedApiKey": "ncGk4bCmDT7GSc64MzGzNvRUoDT++pTPjntmtuu075JFqKbz/G4nKerq0JQoldvtQxYOCePxMN5gcYZSOC2DTg==",
        "showResult": false,
        "creationTime": "2021-03-25 14:36:18Z",
        "usedTime": null,
        "serialNumber": null,
        "expirationTime": "2021-04-24 14:36:18Z",
        "previousTicketId": null,
        "nextTicketId": null
    "id": 2839

The response shows that the ticket exists but that it has not been used yet.

Example 3

The following obtains the details of the first of the tickets created in Example 2 of the description of the createTickets method:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "getTicket",
    "params": {
        "ticketId": "57bc9dead64863bf"
    "id": 2839

The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "ticketId": "57bc9dead64863bf",
        "hashedApiKey": "ncGk4bCmDT7GSc64MzGzNvRUoDT++pTPjntmtuu075JFqKbz/G4nKerq0JQoldvtQxYOCePxMN5gcYZSOC2DTg==",
        "showResult": true,
        "creationTime": "2021-03-25 14:40:09Z",
        "usedTime": "2021-03-25 14:45:13Z",
        "serialNumber": 6244,
        "expirationTime": "2021-04-24 14:40:09Z",
        "previousTicketId": null,
        "nextTicketId": "7b106f57d9f60c8a",
        "result": {
            "random": {
                "method": "generateSignedIntegers",
                "hashedApiKey": "ncGk4bCmDT7GSc64MzGzNvRUoDT++pTPjntmtuu075JFqKbz/G4nKerq0JQoldvtQxYOCePxMN5gcYZSOC2DTg==",
                "n": 1,
                "min": 0,
                "max": 36,
                "replacement": true,
                "base": 10,
                "data": [
                "license": {
                    "type": "developer",
                    "text": "Random values licensed strictly for development and testing only",
                    "infoUrl": null
                "userData": null,
                "ticketData": {
                    "ticketId": "57bc9dead64863bf",
                    "previousTicketId": null,
                    "nextTicketId": "7b106f57d9f60c8a"
                "completionTime": "2021-03-25 14:45:13Z",
                "serialNumber": 6244
            "signature": "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",
            "bitsUsed": 5,
            "bitsLeft": 249490,
            "requestsLeft": 993,
            "advisoryDelay": 2720
    "id": 2839

The response shows that the ticket exists and when it was used, which was in Example 4 of the description of the generateSignedIntegers method. Because the caller specified true for the showResult parameter when the ticket was created, the response from getTicket contains the entire result from the method that was used to generate the random values.

Example 4

The following obtains the details of the second of the tickets created in Example 2 of the description of the createTickets method:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "getTicket",
    "params": {
        "ticketId": "6c5710afda906835"
    "id": 2839

The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "ticketId": "6c5710afda906835",
        "hashedApiKey": "ncGk4bCmDT7GSc64MzGzNvRUoDT++pTPjntmtuu075JFqKbz/G4nKerq0JQoldvtQxYOCePxMN5gcYZSOC2DTg==",
        "showResult": true,
        "creationTime": "2021-03-25 14:40:09Z",
        "usedTime": null,
        "serialNumber": null,
        "expirationTime": "2021-04-24 14:40:09Z",
        "previousTicketId": null,
        "nextTicketId": null,
        "result": null
    "id": 2839

The response shows that the ticket exists but that it has not been used yet. Because showResult was set to true when createTickets was used to create the ticket, the response from getTicket includes a result property. However, it is null because the ticket has not been used yet.

Example 5

The following attempts to obtain the details of a ticket that does not exist:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "getTicket",
  "params": {
    "ticketId": "7777777777777777"
  "id": 13354

The service responds with the following:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "error": {
    "code": 420,
    "message": "The ticket you specified does not exist",
    "data": null
  "id": 13354

verifySignature (method)

This method verifies the signature of a response previously received from one of the methods in the Signed API. This is used to examine the authenticity of numbers. Your client must set the method property of its JSON-RPC request object to verifySignature. The request must also contain an id member, which will be returned in the response.

Required Parameters

The following parameters are mandatory and should be specified in the params array of the JSON-RPC request:

The random field from a response returned by RANDOM.ORG through one of the Signed API methods.
The signature field from the same response that the random field originates from.

Optional Parameters

No optional parameters.

Successful Response

If the signature was examined successfully, RANDOM.ORG returns a JSON-RPC response with the result property containing an object with the following named values:

A Boolean value, indicating true if the random numbers were authentic RANDOM.ORG numbers or false if they were not.

For a successful response, the error property is absent.

Error Response

If an error occurred, RANDOM.ORG returns a JSON-RPC response in which the result property is absent and the error property contains an error object as described in Error Codes and Messages.

Example 1

The following requests validation of the response from Example 1 from the generateSignedIntegers method description above.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "verifySignature",
    "params": {
        "random": {
            "method": "generateSignedIntegers",
            "hashedApiKey": "ncGk4bCmDT7GSc64MzGzNvRUoDT++pTPjntmtuu075JFqKbz/G4nKerq0JQoldvtQxYOCePxMN5gcYZSOC2DTg==",
            "n": 3,
            "min": 1,
            "max": 6,
            "replacement": true,
            "base": 10,
            "data": [
                2, 5, 4
            "license": {
                "type": "developer",
                "text": "Random values licensed strictly for development and testing only",
                "infoUrl": null
            "userData": null,
            "ticketData": null,
            "completionTime": "2021-03-25 14:29:38Z",
            "serialNumber": 6241
        "signature": "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"
    "id": 25691

The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "authenticity": true
    "id": 25691

The value of true for the authenticity field indicates that the random value specified as part of the request was indeed signed by RANDOM.ORG, proving the authenticity of the numbers.

Example 2

The following requests validation of the response from Example 1 above except that the first integer has been modified from 2 to 6, as you might expect in a tampering attempt. The other values in the random field have not been modified.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "verifySignature",
    "params": {
        "random": {
            "method": "generateSignedIntegers",
            "hashedApiKey": "ncGk4bCmDT7GSc64MzGzNvRUoDT++pTPjntmtuu075JFqKbz/G4nKerq0JQoldvtQxYOCePxMN5gcYZSOC2DTg==",
            "n": 3,
            "min": 1,
            "max": 6,
            "replacement": true,
            "base": 10,
            "data": [
                6, 5, 4
            "license": {
                "type": "developer",
                "text": "Random values licensed strictly for development and testing only",
                "infoUrl": null
            "userData": null,
            "ticketData": null,
            "completionTime": "2021-03-25 14:29:38Z",
            "serialNumber": 6241
        "signature": "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"
    "id": 25691

The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "authenticity": false
    "id": 25691

The value of false for the authenticity field indicates that the random value specified as part of the request was not signed by RANDOM.ORG, i.e., the signature is not valid.

Example 3

The following requests validation of the response from Example 2 in the section about generateSignedIntegers, except that the MD5 digest that was specified in the original request has been replaced with another, as might be the case if an attempt at tampering had been made.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "verifySignature",
    "params": {
        "random": {
            "method": "generateSignedIntegers",
            "hashedApiKey": "ncGk4bCmDT7GSc64MzGzNvRUoDT++pTPjntmtuu075JFqKbz/G4nKerq0JQoldvtQxYOCePxMN5gcYZSOC2DTg==",
            "n": 52,
            "min": 1,
            "max": 52,
            "replacement": false,
            "base": 10,
            "data": [
                32, 18, 49, 22, 5, 41, 26, 10, 24, 40, 46, 1, 20, 6, 37, 30, 2, 42, 31, 38, 47, 25, 11, 19, 7, 16, 48, 3, 14, 15, 9, 51, 39, 23, 21, 12, 27, 4, 33, 17, 44, 45, 8, 35, 36, 34, 52, 29, 50, 43, 13, 28
            "license": {
                "type": "developer",
                "text": "Random values licensed strictly for development and testing only",
                "infoUrl": null
            "userData": {
                "myHashType": "md5",
                "myHashValue": "a7d8eb2cb9c55110a91e2a80b7932177"
            "ticketData": null,
            "completionTime": "2021-03-25 14:31:55Z",
            "serialNumber": 6242
        "signature": "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"
    "id": 25691

The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "authenticity": false
    "id": 25691

The value of false for the authenticity field indicates that the userData value specified as part of the request was not signed by RANDOM.ORG, i.e., the signature is not valid.